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Grand Opening October 28th


EXP/SP x50
Adena x50
Spoil x5
Seal Stones x5
Quest x5


Skill and Glow chance are retail.
Active and passive skills has the same status.
Active skills increased time to 20 minutes.


Time 120 minutes.
24 slots, +4 divine inspiration. (need learn)
Pets does not lose buffs with noblesse.


Clan & Alliance
Clan penalties disabled.
Alliance only 1 clan - for large crest.
Max. 18 members in Raidboss and Siege zones.


Castle Sieges
Sieges every 2 weeks.

Siege duration 60 minutes.
Only 1 castle available for sieges.
200 tickets reward for the winner.
The clan leader must be online at the end of the siege to automatically receive the reward.


from +0 to +3: 100%
from +3 to +16: 70% (decreasing 3% each level)
from +0 to +3: 100%
from +3 to +10: 50% (decreasing 3% each level)
Blessed enchant on failure returns the item +3.


Capture the Flag - The goal is to capture more flags.
Team vs Team - The goal is to be the team with the most kills.
Crazy Rates - Double rates on Saturdays. (18:00 - 00:00)
Kill the Boss - The goal is to defeat the boss.
Party Farm - Every day (2x), duration 45 minutes.
Treasure Hunt - Tickets drop on Sundays. (12:00 - 18:00)


Ends on Mondays.
Battle period: 20:00-00:00.
Start battles: 5 registered players.
No class-based battles.
Tie does not lose points.
Hero skills are retail.


Special NPCS
Buffer: All buffs, including schemes.
Class Master: 1st, 2nd and 3rd class free.
Exchange Manager: Exclusive exchange system.
General Manager: Shop, donation, services, functions, server infos...
Global Gatekeeper: Teleport to all kingdoms and areas, free.
Siege Manager: Contains info for all castles.
Wedding Manager: Formal wear and adena required to get married.


Soul Crystals
Stages from 7 to 12 selling at luxury shop by cristals. (retail)
All RBs who can level up crystals. CLICK HERE


Subclass & Noblesse
Subclass free. (no quest)
Add subclass at all Village Master.
Max. 5 subclasses.
Noblesse quest. (retail)


Voice Commands
.menu - main features including auto farm & potion.
.help - contains all available commands.


Additional Features
Auto loot.
Auto learn skills.
Inventory slots 150.
Seven Signs open 24/7.
Shout/Trade chat delay 10s.
Hero chat delay 30s.
Chat filter - for illegal words.
Offline shop.
Shift + click on monsters to see the droplist.
Spawn protection by 30 seconds.
Max. 3 sessions per pc.
Automatic restart at 07:00.


Raid Bosses
Common Raids: 18h + 6h random.
Barakiel: 6h. (no random)
Tyrannosaurus: 5 minutes.

Raids listed on the site/npc have improved stats and drops.

Queen Ant respawn (Monday) 22:00.
Orfen respawn (Tuesday) 22:00.
Core respawn (Tuesday) 23:00.

Zaken respawn (Wednesday) 22:00.
(door opens 00:00 game time and when boss is spawned)

Frintezza respawn (Thursday) 22:00.
(random 15 minutes. Need CC, mín.3/max.5 party's)

Baium respawn (Friday) 22:00. (random 15 minutes)
Antharas respawn (Saturday) 20:00.
Valakas respawn (Sunday) 20:00.

Sailren respawn (Monday) 23:00.
(individual teleport and locked after boss spawn)

Dr. Chaos respawn (Wednesday) 23:00.
Andreas van Halter respawn (Thursday) 23:00.
Anais respawn (Friday) 23:00.

All Epics are in PvP area and will be dead at server launch.


Bishop level 40 has Noblesse Blessing skill.
All debuffs with time greater than 30s have been reduced to 30s.
All cancel skills remove buffs for 10 seconds.
Cancellation increased reuse time x5 and chance to 100.
Deflect Arrow increased power from 40 to 60.
Mirage reduced time from 60s to 30s.
Dodge increased the time from 5s to 15s, reuse time x2.
Counterattack increased the time from 5s to 15s, reuse time x2.
Touch of Death increased chance from 80 to 100.
Arrest range increased from 150 to 600. (like shackle)
Stun/Shock effect time reduced to 5 seconds.
FOI works like in GF. (removed on any action except movement)
Major Arcana Set 15% cast speed, 2% m.atk. instead of 17% m.atk.
Imperial Staff adds Acumen instead of Empower.
Removed fear skills from Antharas and Valakas.
Removed teleport skills from Zaken.

Edited by Pedra
Edited title according to MXC rules.
  • NevesOma changed the title to [L2J] L2Free

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