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Report here wrong sectioN topiCS!


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nine times he posted on the same page and he made 1 six post

Karma delete this exei 3ana ginei dn to eida..






Dont report here the spammers. just THE WRONG section THREADS! (We have specific topic for spammers)


General about the team:

BeCause i made this thread... doesnt mean that ONLY me ...will do the moving job.. i need some help maybe ?! :S


Anyway , gJ guyz keep reporting.

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Dont report here the spammers. just THE WRONG section THREADS! (We have specific topic for spammers)


General about the team:

BeCause i made this thread... doesnt mean that ONLY me ...will do the moving job.. i need some help maybe ?! :S


Anyway , gJ guyz keep reporting.

soz about the spammer i didn't know this soz
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a topic without any reason to be posted in this section and in the forum i think because uses all the time bad words

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a topic without any reason to be posted in this section and in the forum i think because uses all the time bad words



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