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Problem Compiling build.xml for L2jsunrise



Hello, people! I'm new here, and sorry if I made this post in the wrong section, but I need your help. 

I've faced just the same issue like here, but I still can't beat this:

I need a piece of advice if some of you guys know on how to resolve this error. I've already spent a few days looking for info, tried lots of JDK's v8 (a few different versions) but still got no luck compiling the file via Eclipse.

I'm using Win10, and already tried to setup the Environmental Variables for each Java version I've used (I made it separately for the each version, deleted old Path and created new ones to avoid mixup). Also, Ant 1.8.2 is installed, and the correct Path to Bin folder was created too(and the path for JDK as well). The error is always the same, and nothing has changed when I tried my voodoo magic and different tricks. I thought that I was using the wrong JDK's, but I tried all the versions possible (one by one) and got lost in my thoughts and my broken mind. I've started from the newest JDK 8 version to the oldest one as mentioned in my screenshot attached.

Thank you guys in advance for you help!

This is the message I've got from Eclipse and it's always the same, no matter what kind of changes I've applied, and JDK versions I've used:

[javac] Compiling 1875 source files to C:\Server\Workspace\l24all\build\bin

[javac] error: error reading C:\Server\Workspace\l24all\dist\libs\mmocore.jar; java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in path at index 44: file:/C:/Server/Workspace/l24all/dist/libs/${manifest.libs}

[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8



C:\Server\Workspace\l24all\build.xml:63: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.


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Thanks for the answer, and I've already found those threads searching for info before I came here, but the thing is that I don't have empty spaces in my folders or file names. I believe that Java version was selected wrong, so it can't recognize something, but I tried a few different JDK versions starting from 8.0 to 8u381 but still no luck

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2 hours ago, KevinS said:

Thanks for the answer, and I've already found those threads searching for info before I came here, but the thing is that I don't have empty spaces in my folders or file names. I believe that Java version was selected wrong, so it can't recognize something, but I tried a few different JDK versions starting from 8.0 to 8u381 but still no luck

Both errors are indicative of your ant BUILD configuration being messed up.
The first one indicates that your ${manifest.libs} variable is either not defined or being resolved properly.
The second one indicates that the <javac /> element's bootstrap class path is not properly configured - it should point to the libs folder within the MAIN java folder.

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