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L2 Rarytas is developing l2off Glory Days server.
We aim to provide long term, non-P2W server, with low-mid setting to discourage unhealthy game styles.
The server will provide dynamic rates and reworked mobs/bosses stats.
We target to make possible a group gameplay without having to build big constant parties.
The server will be open for a longer Open Beta period to help you slowly prepare for LIVE start.

Open Beta date: 10.05.2023 20:00 GMT+0
LIVE date: 24.05.2023 20:00 GMT+0



...::::::::::: INFORMATION ABOUT SERVER :::::::::::...

...::::::::::: SERVER RATES:::::::::::...
EXP/SP rates:
level 1-39 = x1 (tutorial quests)
level 40-51 = x3
level 52-60 = x6
level 61-69 = x9
level 70-75 = x12
level 76-79 = x9
level 80-85 = x6
level 85-89 = x3
level 91-94 = x4
level 95-96 = x5
level 97-99 = x6

Adena rate: x3
Drop/spoil - x3 amount
Your drop/spoil chance increased with main class level separately
Quest rate: x1

...::::::::::: KEY FEATURES :::::::::::...
-> Increased inventory size
-> Increased some instances rates
-> dynamic rates for smooth leveling
-> No dualbox allowed (specifically boxing support characters will lead to deletion of those)
-> reworked mobs/bosses stats to adjust the difficulty for current L2 community
-> 1 character per PC
-> searchable drop/spoil and class tress
-> all retail features working and available
-> no aggressive anti-bot at client side, behaviour-based anti-bot at server side
-> removed PIN code system authentication (as per opinions we got, many players found it really annoying and discouraging)

Premium features:
you can get it from vote or get monthly package for 5$ (it's only donate item except visuals)
+50% exp/sp/loot boosts (all the time)
+100% vitality boost
Three-Headed Dragon Agathion
Special power skills (each consume one Dragon Egg)
Special teleport skills to towns (no cost)

Percent boost examples:
For level 87 with vitality = x3 (base) + 0,5x (premium) + x3 (vit) = x6,5
For level 87 without vitality = x3 (base) + 0,5x (premium) = x3,5
For level 98 with vitality = x6 (base) + 0,5x (premium) + x3 (vit) = x9,5
For level 98 without vitality = x6 (base) + 0,5x (premium) = x6,5

Power skills (you may use only one per day):
Growth Booster = 180 seconds +200% EXP/SP
PvE Booster = 180 seconds +50% PvE attack power and defense
Loot Booster = 600 seconds boosted drop/spoil chance
Appearance Call = Summon one appearance stone (to exchange for visuals)

...::::::::::: QUALITY OF LIVE CHANGES :::::::::::...
We want to provide retail-like gameplay with boosted rates and various quality of life changes.
The goal is to make smooth progression, but keep the retail feeling as much as possible without forcing people to do excessive grind.
The example that will stay retail is retail Glory Days Newbie Helper - it will provide only retail-like buff set.
The other ways to get buff will be also disabled so the buffers will remain the only source of buffs.
The example that will be modified is Seed of Annihilation level progression.

...::::::::::: NON-P2W donations :::::::::::...
Despite like other similar servers do, the server will not offer products you saw in L2 store.
All special items will be obtainable only by gameplay.
It's our answer to servers who made large P2W, with very aggressive donate ecosystems (like farmable donate coins those are not tradable, and buyable donate coins those are tradeable which kindly allowed RMT).
We are going to offer only limited premium that will be eazy to get even for non-donators.Off course there will be some cosmetics (but no enchancement possible).

  • 2 weeks later...

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