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[SHARE] GVE Updated to Gracia II - Pre Compiled w/ House Buffer

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Decided to be generous today.  ;D


I am making this post for all those noobs out there who don't really understand java and wanna make a GvE server. I know what its like to not know java and well its hard. I don't even fully understand it yet either.

This work that I am posting was some work that I did for a kid named Benjamin. Benjamin seemed like a nice guy at first, he wanted me to make him a nice GvE server and he offered to pay me a nice amount of money. So of course I agreed and I made the server; the moment of truth came and well little Benjamin refused to pay me... So here is the work that I made for him, except now poor little Benjamin's wanna be custom server won't be so custom. I am telling everyone this because I hate people like Benjamin. I made legit work for him and he refused to pay me. If he contacts you for help please do not help him. Sure I left out some of his details:

Custom Enchant System and Infinite Buff time(I decided not to code them cause I didn't have enough knowledge about how todo it). But I coded the bulk of his project and I asked for 25 Dollars, just for wasting my time not even the code or anything(I planned on giving the pack to him for free, I just wanted payment for my time)! He refused to pay...

By The Way Benjamin is know as RobZombie on MxC.


This share has the L2J GvE script updated to gracia II. I fixed all the code so it works 100%. I also added some custom features.


Custom features:

Nobless On Character Creation

Auto level 86

House Buffer

Custom Character Spawn


I tried to code a Same Ip No attack system, but it didn't work. I included that crappy code in the share as well. If anyone knows how to fix it that would be excellent. Just post it below. Server was coded for L2J.


I would like to get some good karma for this post.  :D


Patch without precompiled Server:




Precompiled Game server with Source Code Patch.txt and everything:

Game Server: http://rapidshare.com/files/181859018/l2j-server.rar

DataPack: http://www.l2jdp.com/nightly/?dir=&download=L2J_DataPack-unstable.zip


All the custom stuff is in the $GvE Folder in the root of the folder system. Install the L2J server like normal then update the DB/ Datapack with the $GvE stuff.


Pack includes:

data folder with the html's

sql folder with all the sql's to modify the DB

workspace folder with the custom stuff u have to add to workspace


Patch.txt To patch your workspace - Search for how to apply it. This is not the place to ask about that. Look here: http://www.l2jserver.com/trac/wiki/ApplyingPatches


ID's Of Npc's:

House Buffer = 90001

Faction Manager = 3536301


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well to be honest...darkrage didn't do the right thing w/e

and th3on3 if the guy refused...why do u share it?

u cold make some cash out of it if u just learn and understand java a little bit more..

I'm not offending anyone here..but this thread is kinda childish...


Best Wishes

   KidZor : )=


PS: Patch sux xD


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well to be honest...darkrage didn't do the right thing w/e

and th3on3 if the guy refused...why do u share it?

u cold make some cash out of it if u just learn and understand java a little bit more..

I'm not offending anyone here..but this thread is kinda childish...


Best Wishes

   KidZor : )=


PS: Patch sux xD



I shared it because i figured alot of people would enjoy the pack. Better then just deleting a scammer clients work wouldn't you say?

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yeah but...sharing things like this..will ruin some day l2 community..imagine every noob with a gve system ;D

wheres the fun at then? ;D


RobZombie <-- hes right if u didn't do what he asked...:P

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yeah but...sharing things like this..will ruin some day l2 community..imagine every noob with a gve system ;D

wheres the fun at then? ;D


The point of L2J is open source. Don't let your greed overcome your willingness to help others.

And if you think developing for money is greed, its not. If your good at something never do it for free.

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The point of L2J is open source. Don't let your greed overcome your willingness to help others.

And if you think developing for money is greed, its not. If your good at something never do it for free.


Sry A-Style...


Well things like this is not to be shared..this is not for money or anything but...things like gve and others can ruin l2 ;) trust me.-

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Sry A-Style...


Well things like this is not to be shared..this is not for money or anything but...things like gve and others can ruin l2 ;) trust me.-


Why not ? Its a Contribution in this forum, and Contributions Are Always WELCOME.


Also, 1st topic Updated , RobZombie Msn Removed.


thnx. Keep it CLEAN.


p.s. My mistake...edit.

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Oh my goshhhh i need this one Great Share :)


Testing....Downloading !!!


ur a member of matrix and ur amazed of this share?!lol


edit: as i sayd...ur a dev from umbrella too...just take a look in the time line and ul see a better faction:P

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Wow that's a good share!

Im gonna test it tomorrow (too late here) along with the umbrella's one and see which is better ;)


Infinite Buff time

maybe this?:P http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=37063.0

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