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[GUIDE] No Shops in Some Zones!

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I was searching for that and i found it in l2jfree.com. i am not posting the file posted there. i am gona teach you how to do it your self.



1st) go to your gameserver\data\zone.xml and open it with notepad.


2nd) get the zone's coordinates that you need.


3rd) paste the code below with your modified coordinates. (the code have the coordinates for restricting shops near olympiad manager in giran)


<zone id="6" name="No Store Giran - Oly Manager">
 <settings noPrivateStore="true" /> 
<shape type="Poly" zMin="-3500" zMax="-3400">
 <point x="81977" y="147455" /> 
 <point x="81977" y="147657" /> 
 <point x="82238" y="147657" /> 
 <point x="82238" y="147455" /> 


and the clean one:


<zone id="x" name="No Store area name">
   <settings noPrivateStore="true"/>
   <shape type="Poly" zMin="-3500" zMax="-3400">
   <point x="" y=""/>
   <point x="" y=""/>
   <point x="" y=""/>
   <point x="" y=""/>


4th) save the file and restart the server. then log in to your server and try create a shop in those coordinates range:)



I hope i helped a bit. Good luck.


Credits for file to: OE (L2JFree)

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