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OXi C5 nai re mono zarich tha valoume gia arxi :D

Pedia akouste ligo opws eipe o mastropos oxi mlks me Zero kai GM haste tha kanoume ola ta opla +25 p einai to full gt spane ta opla ekei kai xwnoume mono zarich buff

oriste lvl 10

6C 13 0E 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


filtate thanatos egw exw proiperisia me tous GM exw pexei xilo epi epoxi hlapex me gm's tha sou deixw pics!!



Mastrope thirio m esu akous nano tha ftiakseis mastrope :P to gamisame omws ee tha mas mamisei o maxtor :$

EGW MArilyn i apikonizomenh katw :D

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