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[G.U.I.D.E] L2J-Archid Full Guide + Some Pictures

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L2J-Archid Guide 100% working

This GUIDE Will Help You To Create Your Own Server Based On L2Java. :o

OK Lets Start !!!  8)  ;D

Here Is Some Easy Steps:



Step-1: Download MySQL Server From Here ~> http://www.4shared.com/file/78750402/5432b333/Setup.html <~ Here


1.1 Download and Install It. After Instalation Finish It Will Ask You For Some Comfigs Look Here ~>  http://img149.imageshack.us/my.php?image=28433344wt3.png <~ Press Finish.


1.2 After This Will Show Other Window. Press "Next"


1.3 "Tick"(Detailed Configuration) and Press "Next"


1.4 "Tick"(Server Machine) and Press "Next"


1.5 "Tick"(Online Transaction Processing) and Press "Next"


1.6 Press "Next" Till Find This 68588715hh4.th.png

Add Password and Repeat It. DONT FORGOT IT!!! Its Verry Important. Press "Next"


1.7 Press "Execute" If You Have a problem with "Executing" Repeat This Step Again.  :-\



Step-2: Download Navicat From  Here ~> http://www.4shared.com/file/79304337/705e537f/navicat8_mysql_en.html

and KEY GEN Here ~> http://www.4shared.com/file/79304633/71f8558d/KeyGen.html


2.1 Install Navicat. And run it from Desktop Short Cut


2.2 Press "Connection" and Add This ~> http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs435&d=09022&f=navicat661.png <~


2.3 Right Click on Connection And Press "New Databace" And add new databace with name " l2jarchid_db " and Exit

Look Here ~> http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs435&d=09022&f=navicat_2758.png <~



Step-3: Download Java Platforms From This Links:


3.1 Download And Install http://www.4shared.com/file/79293940/f7775ca0/Java_Runtime_Environment_60__Install_me_First_.html


3.2 Download and Install https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_Developer-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewProductDetail-Start?ProductRef=jdk-6u10-oth-JPR@CDS-CDS_Developer


3.3 Download and Install https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_Developer-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewProductDetail-Start?ProductRef=jre-6u10-oth-JPR@CDS-CDS_Developer


Step-4: Download The Server Pack From Here ~> http://www.4shared.com/file/79474175/569dcf91/Server.html <~ Here


4.1 Go to [C:\Server\tools] and run databace_installer.bat Look Here ~> http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs435&d=09023&f=asd118.png <~ Look Here


4.2 Go to [C:\Server\L2JArchid-Login\config] and open loginserver.properties


4.3 Find

ExternalHostname= [Here Add your IP]

InternalHostname= [Here Add your IP]

#URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jarchid_db/user=sa/password= [Here Add the Password from MySQL]

Password= [Here Add the Password From MySQL]

Save And Close


4.4 Go to [C:\Server\L2JArchid-Login] and run registergameserver.bat Look Here ~> http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs135&d=09023&f=5555353.png <~ Look Here  But For register you will need this file ~~> http://www.4shared.com/file/79476724/f269bf7b/servername.html <~~


4.5 A new file will show [hexid(server 1)] rename it to [ hexid ]  copy and paste it [C:\Server\L2JArchid-Game\config]


4.6 Go to [C:\Server\L2JArchid-Game\config] and open "server.properties"


4.7 Find:

ExternalHostname= [Here Add your IP]

InternalHostname= [Here Add your IP]

#URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jarchid_db/user=sa/password= [Here Add the Password from MySQL]

Password= [Here Add the Password From MySQL]

MinProtocolRevision = 737 <---- Change it to 1

MaxProtocolRevision = 746 <---- Change it to 999

Save and close



Step-5: Create Host File:


5.1 Go to [C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc] and open your host file


5.2  ADD This:


                                # Added By v4l3r1 -------------------


                                Here Add your IP l2testauthd.lineage2.com

                                Here Add your IP L2authd.lineage2.com


                                # --------------------------------------


Save and Exit



Step-6: Go to [C:\Server\L2JArchid-Login] and start "startLoginServer.bat"



Step-7: Go to [C:\Server\L2JArchid-Game] snd start "startGameServer.bat"


Step-8: log in game and create char.


8.1 Open "Navicat" open your connection and find the table "characters" find "acesslevel" and change it fro 0 to 255

Close and log in the game with your admin char  :o




Finaly Your Server Is READY  ;D



On next Guide I will Show you how to create system folder without Host File

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from where to start and where to finish..


1)Wrong Section. This is L2OFF section...L2Archid is L2J ::)

2)This is a greek section. Speak greek

3)This is not a warez forum. It's about KeyGen


On next Guide I will Show you how to create system folder without Host File

4A)Already posted by me ::) CliCk Me


Friendly ZeRo* :-*

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Wrong Section..


Somebody Move it.


Also , there are decades of topics like this..


LOCKED Until someone moves it.

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