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Unequip specific items in farm zones

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Hello !
Can someone please help me create a code  / script to unequip weapon ( by id ) if a player enters a farm zone ?

For example ... you have 3 farm zones and each one gives more powerfull weapon..lets say weapon 1, 2 and 3.

I would like to unequip the weapon 2 and 3 if you go to farm 1 zone with it.


i use l2j sunrise h5 final rev data pack.


Thank you

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Thank you very much, @MegaCheat , but this is for a single zone... i will like to have something i can use in multiple different zones / areas.  Epics zones must have restrict to custom weapons and armors, lower farm zones restrict the higher farm zones items, etc


Edited by mariusakke
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2 hours ago, mariusakke said:

Thank you very much, @MegaCheat , but this is for a single zone... i will like to have something i can use in multiple different zones / areas.  Epics zones must have restrict to custom weapons and armors, lower farm zones restrict the higher farm zones items, etc


Just copy paste the type of zone with new name...

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6 hours ago, mariusakke said:

Thank you very much, @MegaCheat , but this is for a single zone... i will like to have something i can use in multiple different zones / areas.  Epics zones must have restrict to custom weapons and armors, lower farm zones restrict the higher farm zones items, etc


just you can adapt a code again p.x Multifaction Zone, and second zone HightFaction Zone, And LowFaction Zone

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you can start by creating a method which will return your allowed and disallowed items just to make your life simplier and avoid nested ifs and shit

after all you will create one more method which will wrap the whole script, how can you check for eqquiped items? simple iteration

Edited by Amn3sia
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