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Well, after searching I found this AIO pack for Sony Ericsson mobile owners!


Here u are!


AIO Megapack Contains:


[*]450 Games

[*]300 Screen Savers

[*]Themes Creator v3.27

[*]100 Themes

[*] EA Games

[*] 1000 Java Games + 10 Applications

[*] 130 Applications



EA™ Mobile - All Games For Sony Ericsson





* EA.NBA.Live.07


* EA.Bournout

* EA.Mobile.The.Sims.2.Pets

* EA.Mobile.Need.for.speed.CARBON

* EA.Medal.Of.Honor


* EA.NFS.MostWanted.3D

* EA.Uefa.Champions.Leaugue.06-07

* EA.The.Sims.2

* EA.Fifa.07

* EA.Air.Hockey

* EA.Harry.Potter.and.the.Order.of.the.Phoenix


* EA.The.Simpsons.-.Minutes.to.meltdown

* EA.Madden.NFL.08


No RaR Pass




[*] Themes + Themes Creator

[*] 450 Games

[*] 300 Screensavers

[*] 1105 Games in 90 mb

[*] EA™ Mobile - All Games

[*] 1000 Java Games + 10 Applications

[*] 130 Applications (RAR Pass if needed: R@pidSh@r3Sucks)






I found a keygen for a program inside so I removed it and I am uploading again: Games, Themes, Themes Creator, Screen Savers


BTW There are amazing games inside!!!


Are you sure all these things are offered free from sites?

Or it's just a collection which is not legal.. ?


Are you sure all these things are offered free from sites?

Or it's just a collection which is not legal.. ?

I can't be absolutely sure... There are sites where u must pay to get some games but in other sites,not warez necesserily, are totally free...

Com'on... I have posted again similar topic and I hadn't problems...


[*]Themes + Themes Creator link added!



No, u can't... But I will make a new topic for Nokia Owners soon...!


Edit: [*]Screensavers downloading link added...


I've got SE k700i, is it valid for my mobile? And how much space should I have free before transfering it into mobile?


I've got SE k700i, is it valid for my mobile? And how much space should I have free before transfering it into mobile?

I think that u can use them...

Well, about the space...


Themes==> 19.5 MB

Screensavers==> 27.5 MB

Games==> 46.1 MB


Total==> 93.1 MB



EDIT: Games downloading link added! The pack is full now!


nice packs :P does they work on SE k750i ?


P.S.Can you find and pack for Nokia xD


tnx for reading :p

Yes, they work for k750 too!

My friend I am too tired atm...

I will make a similar topic for Nokia soon...


BTW First post updated


[*] 1105 Java Games only in 90 mb added!

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