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Now i show some commands for GM :)


//admin - Brings up the admin menu.

//gm Toggle GM status //gmchat - Sends a global message that only GMs can see. Usage: //gmchat Type message here


//gmliston - "Register into gm list

//gmlistoff - "Remove from gm list

//silence - (To enable/disable private message mode)

//saveolymp - Save olympiad

//manualhero - Manual select heroes

//atmosphere <signsky> <dawn> - Sets current sky to either Dawn or Dusk, as seen by members of the winning cabal.

//atmosphere <sky> <day>- Sets current sky to either day or night.

//diet - Current status of diet mode for player.

//diet on - Enables diet mode.

//diet off - Disables diet mode.

//play_sound Brings up sounds page. //play_sounds

//edit_character - Opens menu to edit targetted player.

//current_player - Opens character list.

//character_list - Opens list of online players.

//show_characters - Opens list of online players.

//find_character - Opens the find player menu.

//save_modifications - Saves the edits done to the targetted player.

//nokarma - removes karma from target player

//setkarma <value>- sets karma of target player to value

//rec - Recommnend targeted player

//settitle - Set title of targeted player

//setname - Set name of targeted player

//setcolor - Set name color of targeted player

//fullfood - Full feed targeted pet

//invis = to hide your character

//invisible - to hide your character

//vis - to unhide your character

//visible - to unhide your character

//known on - to unhide your character from known list

//known off - to hide your character from known list

//earthquake <Intensity> <Duration> - Creates an earthquake

//para_all - Paralyzes all players

//unpara_all - Unparalyze all players

//para - Paralyze Target

//unpara - Unparalyze Target

//bighead - Gives target a big head

//shrinkhead - Returns targets head to normal size

//polymorph - character npc id

//polymorph item id to poly target into id

//polyself <npc> - Used to polymorph yourself into a mob

//unpolyself - Returns you to the normal state

//polymorph item <itemid> - Polymorphs an item

//gmspeed <value> - Use //gmspeed value = [0...4]

//changename <new_name> - Change name of targetted player

//add_exp_sp_to_character - Opens the xp sp menu of the targetted player.

//add_exp_sp - Adds xp sp to targetted player. Usage: //add_exp_sp xp_number sp_number

//remove_exp_sp - Remove xp sp from targetted player. Usage: //remove_exp_sp xp_number sp_number

//tradeoff - Current status of trading for player.

//tradeoff on - Enables trading with other players.

//tradeoff off - Disables trading with other players.

//reload skill - Reloads skill data.

//reload multisell - Reloads multisell data.

//reload teleport - Reloads teleport locations.

//reload npc - Reloads all npc.

//reload htm - Reloads htm files.

//reload item - Reloads item templates.

//reload instancemanager - Reloads instancemanager.

//announce_menu - Opens the announce menu.

//list_announcements - Lists the current announcements.

//reload_announcements - Reloads the announcement list.

//announce_announcements - Posts all announcements in list.

//add_announcement - Adds an announcement. Usage: //add_announcement Your announcement here

//del_announcement - Deletes an announcement. Usage: //del_announcement Your announcement here

//announce - Posts an announcement. Usage: //announce Your announcement here

//ban - Used to kick and ban a named players account. Usage: //ban kadar

//unban - Used to unban a named players account. Usage: //unban kadar

//kick - Used to disconnect named player. Usage: //kick kadar

//kick_non_gm - Used to disconnect all regular players

//kill - Kill targeted player/NPC

//jail - Used to jail named player for a number of minutes. Usage: //jail kadar 10

//unjail - Used to unjail named player. Usage: //unjail kadar

//banchat - Mutes a player. Usage: //banchat kadar

//unbanchat - Unmutes a player. Usage: //unbanchat kadar

//bbs - Brings up comunity board

//add_level - Add levels to target char. Usage: //add_level 5

//set_level - Set level of targeted char. Usage: //set_level 50

//heal Heal - target player or players in radius. Usage: //heal 200

//help - Opens help page

//invul - Turns invulnerability on/off

//target - Used to target a Mob or player. Usage: //target kadar

//cache_htm_rebuild - Rebuilds and reloads the HTML cache.

//cache_htm_reload - Reloads the HTML cache.

//cache_reload_file - Reloads the HTML cache for a single file.

//cache_reload_path - Reloads the HTML cache for a specified directory.

//cache_crest_rebuild - Rebuilds the cache of pledge crests.

//cache_crest_reload -Reloads the cache of pledge crests.

//cache_crest_fix - Fixes problems with incorrect displaying of pledge crests.

//changelvl - Changes a targetted players access level. Usage: //changelvl Access_level_number

//itemcreate - Opens the item creation menu.

//create_item - Creates an item. Usage: //create_item item_id

//cw_infos - Get infos on cursed weapons

//cw_remove - Remove specified cursed weapon. Usage: //cw_remove 8190

//cw_reload - Reloads cursed weapons

//delete - Used to remove a targetted NPC. NPC will not respawn.

//character_disconnect - Used to disconnect a targetted player.

//open - opens targetted door

//close - closes targetted door

//openall - opens all doors

//closeall - closes all doors

//edit_npc - Used to edit a NPCs stats. Usage: //edit_npc npc_id

//save_npc - Saves the editted NPC info.

//recall_npc - Teleports targetted NPC to you.

//show_droplist = Shows the named NPCs drop list. Usage: //show_droplist npc_id

//edit_drop - Edits the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //edit_drop npc_id item_id [min max sweep chance]

//add_drop - Adds a drop to the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //add_drop npc_id item_id [min max sweep chance]

//del_drop - Deletes a drop to the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //del_drop npc_id item_id

//showShop - Shows a targetted vendors shoplist.

//showShopList - Shows a targetted vendors shoplist.

//addShopItem - Adds an item to a vendors shop. Usage: //addShopItem Shop_ID item_id Price

//delShopItem - Deletes an item from a vendors shoplist. Usage: //delShopItem Shop_ID item_id

//editShopItem - Edits an item in a vendors shoplist. Usage: //editShopItem Shop_ID item_id Price

//box_access - with box targetted, shows access list

//box_access - char1 char2 to add players to box Usage: //box_access kadar LadyPain

//box_access - no char1 removes player from box access Usage: //box_access LadyPain no kadar


//setteam_close <team_name> - Join players in radius 400 to specified team

//setteam <team_name> - Join targetted player to specified team

//enchant - Opens enchant menu

//seteh <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for head slot

//setec <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for chest slot

//seteg <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for gloves slot

//seteb <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for feet slot

//setel <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for legs slot

//setew <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for r_hand slot

//setes <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for l_hand slot

//setle <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for l_ear slot

//setre <enchant_level> - Set enchant level for r_ear slot

//setlf <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for l_finger slot

//setrf <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for r_finger slot

//seten <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for neck slot

//setun <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for under slot

//setba <enchant_level> -Set enchant level for back slot

//event - Opens event page

//event_new - Opens new event page









//add - Add event

//event_see - List events

//event_del <event_name> - Delete event











//fight_calculator - Show fight calculator

//fight_calculator_show - Show fight calculator

//fcs - Show fight calculator

//geo_z - Get Geo_Z

//geo_type - Get Geotype

//geo_nswe - Get heading

//geo_los - Check line of sight

//geo_position - Get geo position

//geo_bug - Add bug comment Usage: //admin_geo_bug you coments here

//geo_load - Usage: //admin_geo_load <regionX> <regionY>

//geo_unload - Usage: //admin_geo_unload <regionX> <regionY>

//geoeditor_connect Usage: - //geoeditor_connect <number>

//geoeditor_join - Join active char


//server_gm_only - Only GM can access server

//server_all - Public access server

//server_max_player <number> - Set max players value

//server_list_clock - Toggle clock displayed next to the server name

//server_login - Opens login server edit window

//mammon_find - Lists the current location (if any) of the Mammon NPCs

//mammon_respawn - Lists the current respawn times (if any) of the Mammon NPCs

//list_spawns <npcId> <teleIndex> - Teleports to the player based on the given spawn index (from using //list_spawns <npcId>).

//msg <ID> - Used for testing SystemMessage? IDs

//char_manage - Opens characters manage page

//mobmenu - Opens mobgroup.htm

















//mobinst - Opens mobgrouphelp.htm

//mons - Used to start the Monster Races.

//pn_info - Path node info





//view_petitions - View petitions list

//view_petition - View petition



//reset_petitions - clear the petition queue




//pledge <create> <create> - for targeted palyer

//quest_reload - Reload quests (curently disabled)

//restore - Restores a broken player info.

//repair - Repairs a broken player info.

//res - Resurrect player

//res_monster - Resurrect monster

//ride_wyvern - Command used to summon and ride a wyvern.

//unride_wyvern - Command to dismount and unsummon a wyvern.

//ride_strider - Command used to summon and ride a strider.

//unride_strider - Command to dismount and unsummon a strider.

//unride - Ride dismount

//buy - Opens the GMShop.

//gmshop Opens the GMShop.

//server_shutdown - Starts the shutdown process. Usage: //server_shutdown Number of seconds

//server_restart - Starts the restart process. Usage: //server_restart Number of seconds

//server_abort - Stops the server shutdown.


















//show_skills - Lists targetted players skills.

//remove_skills - Removes the targetted players skills.

//skill_list - Opens skill menu.

//skill_index - Opens skill menu according to players stats.

//add_skill - Adds a skill to a targetted player. Usage: //add_skill Skill_id level

//remove_skill - Removes a skill from a targetted player. Usage: //remove_skill Skill_id

//get_skills - Temporarily gives you the skills of a targetted player.

//reset_skills - Restores your skills from before the get_skills command.



//skill_test <skill_id> - Test a skill. Usage: //skill_test 100

//st <skill_id> - Test a skill. Usage: //st 100

//show_spawns - Opens spawn menu.

//spawn - Spawns a Mob on current target. Usage: //spawn npc_id

//spawn_monster - Spawns a Mob on current target. Usage: //spawn_monster npc_id

//spawn_index - Shows menu for monsters with respective level. Usage: //spawn_index level









//show_moves - Opens the teleport menu.

//show_moves_other - Opens the teleport menu named other.

//show_teleport - Opens the teleport menu.

//teleport_to_character - Teleports you to the named player. Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar

//teleportto - Teleports you to the named player. Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar

//admin_teleto - Teleports you to the named player. Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar

//move_to - Teleports you to coordinates given. Usage: //move_to 11111 22222 3333

//teleport_character - Teleports targetted player to coordinates given. Usage: //move_to 11111 22222r 3333

//recall - Summons a named player to you. Usage: //recall kadar










//tele -show teleport window


//test These //test commands are for the universe mapping feature (developmental)

//test uni - flush Save universe map

//test hash <number>

//test uni Return universe size //mp on - Start packet monitor

//mp off - Stop packet monitor

//mp dump - Save packet history

//known on - to unhide your character from known list

//known off - to hide your character from known list

//unblockip <ip> - Unblock an IP Usage://unblockip




Enjoy ! :)

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