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Help... sql pass prob..



Καλησπέρες παιδιά...

Λοιπόν.. δοκίμασα τον οδηγό του waterkiller... (θα εκανα εκεί την ερώτηση αλλα topic locked)

έχω βάλει pass όταν δημιουργούσα την db...ο waterkiller στο guide έλεγε να μην βάλουμε pass... αλλά αν δεν έβαζα pass δεν εμφανιζόταν το next... και έτσι αναγκαστικά έβαλα..

έχω κολήσει στο σημείο που λέει τρέξτε το RegisterGameServer.μπατ οταν το τρέχω μου λέει διάφορα κ στο τέλος λέει

"... 15 more

press any key to continue"

χωρίς να κάνω register τον server... πιστεύω πως είναι από το pass που έβαλα γιατί κάπου στην μέση λέει:

caused by: java bla bla bla using password:NO

που σημαίνει πως πρέπει να δηλώσω κάποιο pass ωστε να μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση στην βάση...

πήγα στο server.properties (που βάζουμε ip κλπ κλπ) βρήκα το




και απλά μετά το Password= έβαλα το pass τις ΄βασης μου...

δεν έγινε κάτι όμως... μπορεί κάποιος να με help... τι πρέπει να κάνω edit? ή τουλάχιστων πώς να βγάλω τον κωδικό απο την βάση?

thanks γιατί ξέρω πως θα με βοηθησει κάποιος... κ για να φανώ ευγενικός...

12 answers to this question

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Έναρξη>Όλα τα προγράμματα>MySQL>MySQL Server x.x>

και τρέξε το MySQL Server Instance Config Wizard.

Πρέπει να κάνεις τις ρυθμίσεις απο την αρχή.

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το δοκίμασα αλλά και πάλι για να ενεργοποιηθεί το next πρέπει να βάλω pass...

δεν υπάρχει άλλος τρόπος να βγάλω το pass?

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Περίμενε να σου δώσω φωτογραφία.







Δοκίμασε να επανεγκαταστήσεις το MySQL Server.(Πρώτα απεγκατάσταση και μετά εγκατάσταση)





Βέβαια υπάρχει και άλλος τρόπος να φτιάξεις άλλον χρήστη για την βάση δεδομένων.

Πρώτα πρέπει να μπείς με το navicat στην βάση, μετά πάτα στο "Manage Users".


Μετά πάτα "add user", συμπλήρωσε τα κενά, στο host βάλε localhost και κάντο save.


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σε εμένα ήταν ξετσεκαρισμένο και το next δεν πατιοταν...

έκανα unistall κ install ξανα και τωρα πατιέτε όπως κ σε εσένα... jesus christ.. αντε εξιγησε το τώρα αυτό...

τέσπα... thank you very very much m8...

μην κάνεις lock το topic... λογικά θα σε ξαναχρειαστώ... thanks!


edit1: θέλω να παίξω offline.. μόνος μου δηλαδή... όποιον client και να βάλω θα μπορώ να παίξω?

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Δεν πολυκατάλαβα τι ενοείς...για να παίξεις στον server σου Θα πρέπει ο client σου να είναι αντίστοιχος με τον server. Απο 'κει και πέρα ο server μπορεί να είναι είτε τοπικός είτε στο διαδίκτυο.

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έχω βάλει αυτό.... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15069.0

ποιο client θα χρειαστώ?

ο server είναι on.... σε ευχαριστώ πολύ για την βοήθεια και για το ενδιαφέρων σου...

είναι αξιοθάυμαστο το πόσο γρήγορα απαντούσες... δείχνει πως έχεις μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον για το forum

και πως νοιάζεσε για τους users...

thank you very much...

να γιατί έχεις 7 καρμα κ είσαι mod... πραγματικά το αξίζεις...

και όποια κουφάλα πει πως γλείφω.... ας διαβάσει το ποσο με βοήθησε ο τυπος!

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κ εγώ αυτό πιστέυω γιατί είναι copy paste απο του vitr3ous ... κ αυτός είχε κάνει για interlude  αν θυμάμε καλά... έστηλα mail και θα δούμε αν θα μου απαντήσει...

και παλι ευχαριστώ...

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στο τόπικ του waterkiller, κάποιος ζητάει ένα clean inetrlude system, μαλλον interlude είναι. Μόλις είδα τα καλά σου λόγια και σε ευχαριστώ.

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λοιπόν... είχα δουλίτσες κ δεν μπόρεσα να ασχολιθώ... όλα δουλεύουν... κατέβασα κ το interlude client... κ το install...

τώρα τι χρεάζετε να κάνω? σκέφτηκα να κάνω edit το l2.ini και να βάλω για ip 127,0,0,1 αλλα όταν το ανοιξα είχε κινεζικα :/

μπορείτε να με help ξανα? please?

το έκανα και αυτό...

μπήκα στο παιχνίδι... αλλά όταν έγραφα //admin δεν έκανε τπτ πηγα στο navicat άλλαξα το lvl σε 200 αλλά τπτ... όποια εντολη "admin" και να βάλω δεν λειτουργεί...

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οταν ανοίξεις το navicat και αλλάξεις το accesslevel σε 200 θα πρέπει να πατίσεις και το κουμπί που έχει ενα τικ κάτω-κάτω αριστερά


μπας και έχεις msn να τα πούμε από κει?

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ναι ... το msn μου είναι deathisrest2@msn.com

το έκανα..... οταν το έκανα απο το accounts δεν εποιανε το έκανα από το charachters κ είναι οκ τώρα thank you!

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    • Introducing the Payment System Script for Your Lineage 2 Gaming Website This script provides automated integration of popular payment systems (PayPal, Stripe, Morune, Freekassa, Betatransfer, Primepayments) with the Lineage 2 server to process in-game purchases. Its primary features include secure payment processing, user data verification, fraud protection, and automatic allocation of in-game items. Key Features: Support for Popular Payment Systems: The script supports integration with PayPal, Stripe, Morune, Freekassa, Betatransfer, and Primepayments, offering flexibility in choosing a provider. Server Configuration: Multi-Server Support: Users can select the target server from the list of available servers (e.g., Server 1, Server 2) to ensure the transaction is routed to the correct destination. Transaction Personalization: A character name input field allows identifying the recipient of the items in the game, reducing the risk of allocation errors. Flexible Amount Input: The amount input field lets users specify the desired quantity of items within set limits (e.g., from 1 to 10,000). Item Allocation to items_delayed: Upon successful payment processing, items are credited to the items_delayed table, from which players can retrieve them via the game interface. (Customization available for servers using character_items, items, or item_delivery tables.) Universal Webhook URL: To configure webhooks in the payment system, specify the path to the webhook.php file on your site. This path is universal for all payment systems. Example: https://yoursite.com/webhook.php The script will automatically process data received from the payment system. Security and Fraud Protection: Built-in protection against SQL injections through secure data handling. Validation of payment data via the selected payment system's API. Logging of operations to monitor suspicious activities. Customizable Design: The script can be easily tailored to fit your website's design. Price: $120 Note: The list of supported payment systems will be expanded based on demand and feedback. Feedback:  Telegram Discord This script is your all-in-one solution for integrating payment systems seamlessly into your Lineage 2 gaming website.  
    • Introducing the Payment System Script for Your Lineage 2 Gaming Website This script provides automated integration of popular payment systems (PayPal, Stripe, Morune, Freekassa, Betatransfer, Primepayments) with the Lineage 2 server to process in-game purchases. Its primary features include secure payment processing, user data verification, fraud protection, and automatic allocation of in-game items. Key Features: Support for Popular Payment Systems: The script supports integration with PayPal, Stripe, Morune, Freekassa, Betatransfer, and Primepayments, offering flexibility in choosing a provider. Server Configuration: Multi-Server Support: Users can select the target server from the list of available servers (e.g., Server 1, Server 2) to ensure the transaction is routed to the correct destination. Transaction Personalization: A character name input field allows identifying the recipient of the items in the game, reducing the risk of allocation errors. Flexible Amount Input: The amount input field lets users specify the desired quantity of items within set limits (e.g., from 1 to 10,000). Item Allocation to items_delayed: Upon successful payment processing, items are credited to the items_delayed table, from which players can retrieve them via the game interface. (Customization available for servers using character_items, items, or item_delivery tables.) Universal Webhook URL: To configure webhooks in the payment system, specify the path to the webhook.php file on your site. This path is universal for all payment systems. Example: https://yoursite.com/webhook.php The script will automatically process data received from the payment system. Security and Fraud Protection: Built-in protection against SQL injections through secure data handling. Validation of payment data via the selected payment system's API. Logging of operations to monitor suspicious activities. Customizable Design: The script can be easily tailored to fit your website's design. Price: $120 Note: The list of supported payment systems will be expanded based on demand and feedback. Feedback:  Telegram Discord This script is your all-in-one solution for integrating payment systems seamlessly into your Lineage 2 gaming website.  
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    • This post originally appeared on MmoGah.   In Throne and Liberty, tank builds are essential for players who want to withstand heavy damage while protecting their team. This guide will walk you through the best strategies, skills, and equipment for creating an effective tank farming build.       Attributes and Stats To create a robust tank build, focus on the following attributes: •  Vitality: Increases your health pool, allowing you to take more damage. •  Endurance: Reduces the damage you take from attacks. •  Strength: Enhances your physical defense and allows you to use heavier armor and shields.   Skills and Abilities A good tank build relies on a combination of defensive and crowd-control abilities. Here are some key skills to prioritize: •  Shield Bash: Stuns enemies and provides a brief window to reposition or heal. •  Taunt: Forces enemies to attack you, protecting your allies. •  Fortify: Temporarily increases your defense, making you nearly invincible for a short period. •  Regeneration: Gradually restore health over time, reducing the need for constant healing.   Equipment Choosing the right equipment is crucial for a tank build. Focus on the following gear: •  Heavy Armor: Provides the highest defense and damage reduction. •  Shield: Essential for blocking attacks and reducing incoming damage. •  One-Handed Weapon: Allows you to use a shield while still dealing damage. Swords and maces are good choices.   Enchantments and Upgrades Enhancing your gear with enchantments and upgrades can significantly boost your tanking capabilities: •  Health Enchantments: Increase your maximum health. •  Defense Enchantments: Reduce the damage you take from physical and magical attacks. •  Stamina Upgrades: Improve your stamina regeneration, allowing you to use abilities more frequently.   Farming Strategies When farming as a tank, consider the following strategies to maximize efficiency: •  Pulling Groups: Use your taunt ability to gather multiple enemies together, then use area-of-effect (AoE) attacks to damage them all at once. •  Positioning: Always position yourself between your enemies and your allies to absorb incoming damage. •  Cooldown Management: Keep track of your ability cooldowns and use them strategically to maintain control over the battlefield.   Team Composition While a tank can be effective solo, it truly shines in a team setting. Consider the following roles to complement your tank build: •  Healer: Keeps you alive with healing spells and buffs. •  DPS (Damage Per Second): Deals high damage to enemies while you hold their attention. •  Support: Provides additional buffs and crowd control to help manage large groups of enemies.   Tips and Tricks •  Communication: Coordinate with your team to ensure everyone knows their role and can react to changing situations. •  Adaptability: Be ready to switch tactics based on the enemies you face and the needs of your team. •  Practice: Spend time practicing your skills and learning the best ways to use your abilities in different scenarios.   Conclusion Building a tank in Throne and Liberty requires careful planning and strategy. By focusing on the right attributes, skills, and equipment, you can create a powerful tank build that will help you and your team succeed in farming and combat. Remember to communicate with your team, adapt to new challenges, and always strive to improve your build.
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