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HELLO Everyone

I want to sell accounts on L2 Giran server

PP 56.24 %  (All skills learned but not DW. PP has Haste 2)  https://imgur.com/pUBNMSJ

HE 58.61 % (PL set/C gr jellvery/ +5 Light Crrosbow/ VIP1)   https://imgur.com/vSshGxn

SR 56.43 % (PL set/C Noble Elven Bow 450k adena)               https://imgur.com/MiQ6Pkz

WC 48.74 % (all skills exept vamp and rage/ VIP1)

SWS 44.55 % (moon set/top D bow from shop/ VIP1)

BD 44.01 % (moon set/Saber duals)

Destro 42.36 % (Moon Set/ D hammer/VIP1)

Spoil 37.78 % (Briga set+3 +shield/ D Morning star +3/ VIP1)

Crafter 37.47 % (monn robe/ Tarbar/ random mats, quite many/240k adena)


There will be upcomming DA 51 lvl with Chain Set and Stormbringer


PW me withyour offers.  I prefeer MiddleMan or PayPal (friends/family) payment method


Every acc have its own E mail adress dedicated. 

Here you have my Skype live:5578029e2a5aeff6

This is my discord if u need (Palanthir#6319) to know more about accounts, but I prefeer PW  here on MaxCheaters or post below



Edited by Palanthir

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