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So i made Lineage II starter guild ( how to start to play effectively in low rates servers) its only from lvl 1 to 21.


Dark Elfs :


1 | get started (get 600ss ) reach lvl 3

2 | go to DE village then go to GK and take  q ( that will be useful for 2nd prof q ) More Info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=15136'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=15136 ( it will take not more than 7min)

3 | then take q for ss in weapons & armors shop more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=264

4 | Reach lvl8 and take q to kill mushrooms in Grocery shop more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=262


EXTRA if u need extra ss (3.5k) + echo crystals, start it in temple, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=106'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=106


5 | Reach lvl 11 and take q Grocery store and from now on you make tp to swampland kill zombies and go to mushrooms place kill them and go back to town, more info about q : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=319

6 | when you get lvl 15 go temple again and take 1more q in swampland for 17k( x1 rates) whatever u have to kill zombies, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=169'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=169

7 | so when u get lvl 18 mushrooms and zombies is blue for you so you take q behind grocery shop to kill spiders its best way to get exp till 21lvl, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=324

8 | get 21lvl and take q in temple (reward 100k [x1 rates] ), more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=170'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=170


PS when you start 1st prof change q you should take q in wh for 22k(x1 rates) whatever you have go to gludio gludin for your prof change q, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=167'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=167


Elfs :


1 | get started (get 600ss ) reach lvl 3

2 | q for soe to giran, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=15135'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=15135

3 | after soe q go to south east gate and look for Pixie Murika, in this q you have to get 100 q items, and after you get it you can get 100,300 or 5k( x1 rate) reward so its your opinion do it or not, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=266

4 | reach lvl 6, and then q for ss/bss, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=260

5 | somehow reach lvl 8 and go to grocery shop for mushrooms, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=313

6 | get lvl 10 and go for no grd sword/staff & ss/bss again it starts in grocery shop, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=105'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=105


EXTRA q for $, so its starts in exit near grocery shop reward is 14k(x1 rate) and x7 = 97k so its again your opinion do it or no, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=163'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=163

EXTRA 1 q for ss & 100 healing pots its kinda short you have to kill 1 mob and walk around elven village to talk, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=102'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=102


7 | so when you reach lvl 12 you have to choose 1 of 2 q 1st for 18k( easier) and 2nd for 24k( a bit harder)

if you choose 1 you have to kill plague monster, which you can found here : http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/7266/mapog2.jpg, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=159'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=159

if you choose 2nd one you have to go to elven ruins(good place for exp), more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=162'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=162

8 | get lvl  15 then go near toe and select q from Alshupes (that q is shit but you here can lvl up till 18 to do better q ), more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=261

9 | when you are lvl 18 go to temple of eva, then go to elven fortress and kill "rats" ( if you want to get 10k you must kill q monster which in start of server would be pretty hard), more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=316 ||| so you can choose other q in which you get 330a per chard its pretty good so its your opinion again ;], more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=317

10 | final q, so get 21lvl & go to grocery shop and start q, reward 42k( x1 rate), more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=164'>http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=164


Kamaels :


1 | as usually get started

2 | 1st q for wooden set, so you have to find Zerstorer Marcela * in Kamael village to start q

3 | reach lvl3 ^^ then go for soe to giran, quest starts at Vice Hierarch Zenya * in kamael village

4 | get lvl6 and then go for ss/bss + extra item/aden q again starts at Zerstorer Marcela *

5 | one more q for ss/bss +extra (echo crystals, warrior's sword L. healing potions ) so you have to be lvl10 and you have to find Hierarch Kekropus * in Kamael village


EXTRA q for 45a per q item reward ( from lvl11) so its your opinion do it or not, q starts in Kamael Village at Trevor(trader) *

EXTRA 2 q for ewd if you need starts at Hierarch Kekropus *  from lvl17

6 | when you are lvl 17 it is good q for d grd stuff (Puma Skin Gaiters and Puma Skin Shirt or 2 Red Crescent Earrings, 2 Rings of Devotion, and 1 Necklace of Devotion ) so its starts at Hierarch Kekropus *  you can do it only from lvl 17 to 21

7 | if you have chosen to select armors so this q is for you ( for 2 Rings of Devotion, or 2 Red Crescent Earrings ) it starts at Hierarch Kekropus * again its limited only from 17 to 21 lvls, but whatever these items can be use to craft ssx/bssx


PS i don't know how quests are so if they are very long i'm sorry =/


Humans :


1 | get started

2 | if you want its easy q for Necklace of Knowledge just walk to 4place, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=1 + if you want its 1 more q for 2 rings of knowledge its just walking q , more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=153

3 | as usual go for soe to giran, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=15134 lvl3

4 | somehow reach lvl6 and then go for 3k ss/bss + extra $, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=257

5 | so when you are lvl10 its 1 more q for extra ss/bss + extra( l. healing pots, crystals and wand of adept) but this q is a bit long you have to kill 3 q monsters, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=104

6 | when you are lvl15 its q for $(25a per item x1 rates), but also in that place is very good exp so its like extra $, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=259

7 | when you reach lvl17 its a q(240a per chard) in elven ruins,but they are always full so its your opinion do it or no, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=306

8 | from lvl21 its extra q for EWD which starts in Einhasad temple, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=158


Orcs :


1 | get started

2 | go for soe to giran q starts at Centurion Petukai, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=15137


EXTRA : this q is for Necklace Of Courage which you must have for lvl9 ss q so if you really need ss you should do it, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=271  (by XBeth)


3 | so reach lvl5 and there you are easy q to reach lvl6, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=272

4 | when you are lvl6 go for 6k ss and few adena 3/5 per item, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=273

5 | q for 3.5k and extra $ so its your opinion do it or no its also good place for lvling, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=274 lvl9

6 | reach lvl12 and go for ss + extra ( Butcher's Sword, 100 Lesser Healing Pots, Echo Crystals), more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=107

7 | so when you finish q for 7k ss, you have choose what you need more Leather Pants/5500a or gk charm( free tp to gludio, i prefer this 1) so for leather pants/5.5k - http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=276 , gk charm : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=277

8 | when you are lvl20 its opportunity to get ewd + 4.6k so if u need it starts, more info : http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=15181


I hope i helped someone


PS i did'nt make for dwarfs because i can make only quest guild, but if you gonna be spoiler so you need to spoil something also so i did'nt make it.

but if you want me to make it write

PPS feel free to correct me

PPPS i made it by myself :)

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