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Bracelets and Talismans


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dont work for me, a little question: it's normal tha when u "cast" the talisman of attack power, if u put off the talisman the buff remains and u can equip a different talisman too?



have u read the first post? it said the same thing....before write pls read the topic....

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Hellbound Server...


today i went to the Aden accesory or grocery Shop cant remember which, bought myself an Iron bracelet and a yellow speed talisman, put both on, got the speed bonus then took my bracelet off  (talisman comes off automatically when you do this), and the speed bonus was still there, so i get the speed bonus and the talisman doesnt get wasted, stays 60/60.


in conclusion, i beat the system (?).


Don't work on my serv :)

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