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Hi everyone, im trying to configure some thinks on the L2Mythras Files .

I need to make a buffer section avalible only for premium users.

I found this config that as far i think its the indicated one

 Buffer only for VIP user (Works only if you have VIP system in your server)
EnableVIP = True
VipAccesLevel = 1

So bassically when you go to the buffer on community board or npc buffer(same html files)

it works if you are premium or not.(you can see in image its says "only for vip users").




This its the whole code of npc buffer

#	Scheme NPC Buffer		     #
# ========================================
# General Settings                        
# ========================================

# Buffer only for VIP user (Works only if you have VIP system in your server)
EnableVIP = True
VipAccesLevel = 1

# Timeout between each action
# Recommended: True
EnableTimeOut = True
TimeoutTime = 1

# Default: True
EnableFreeBuffs = False

# Enable buffs for PK player?
EnableBuffForPK = False

# Enable buffs for Flag ? 
EnableBuffforFlag = True

# Enable Buffs section (Buffs, chants, other, special, ...)
EnableBuffSection = True

# Enable Scheme function (Players can save buffs)
# Scheme Price is the minimal value of adena that u must have in order to use the Buffer.
EnableScheme = True
SchemePrice = 1000

# Minimum character level for use Buffer
# Default: 20
MinimumLevel = 1

# Maximum scheme for player
# Default: 4
MaxScheme = 5

# ========================================
# Buff setting                  
# ========================================

EnableHeal = True
HealPrice = 500

# Is Might, shield, empower, focus, ...
EnableBuffs = True
BuffsPrice = 500

# Is Mental Shield, Resist Shock, Resist Fire, Resist Wind, ...
EnableResist = True
ResistPrice = 500

# Is Song of Life, Song of Earth, Song of Wind, Song of Renewal, ...
EnableSongs = True
SongPrice = 500

# Is Dance of the Warrior, Dance of Fire, Dance of Fury, Dance of Light, ...
EnableDances = True
DancePrice = 500

# Is Chant of Reneval, Chant of Rage, Chant of Predator, CHant of Fire, ...
EnableChants = True
ChantsPrice = 500

# Is Spike, Dark Weapon, Blood Pack, Pride of Kamael, ...
EnableOther = True
OtherPrice = 500

# Is Greater Might, Improved Magic, Noblesse Blessing, Chant of Victory, ...
EnableSpecial = True
SpecialPrice = 500

# Is Summon Life Cubic, Summon Viper Cubic, Summon Speak Cubic, Summon Smart Cubic, ...
EnableCubic = False
CubicPrice = 500

# Player can remove all buffs (Too debuffs!!)
EnableRemoveBuffs = True
RemoveBuffsPrice = 500

# Is preset buffs for Mage and Farrior
EnableBuffSet = True
SetPrice = 500

# ===========================================================
# 							Buff Sets 						#
# ===========================================================

BuffSetMage = 1397,3;1182,3;1189,3;1191,3;1392,3;1393,3;1352,1;1353,1;1354,1;1259,4;1035,4;1078,6;1461,1;1303,2;830,1;1389,3;1062,2;4703,13;1085,3;1501,1;1500,1;1499,1;1504,1;1413,1;1323,1;363,1;308,1;530,1;529,1;349,1;268,1;267,1;304,1;264,1;365,1;273,1;276,1;1542,1;915,1
BuffSetFighter = 1182,3;1189,3;1191,3;1392,3;1352,1;1353,1;1354,1;1259,4;1035,4;1461,1;825,1;829,1;1062,2;1388,3;4699,13;1499,1;1500,1;1501,1;1502,1;1503,1;1504,1;1519,1;1323,1;1363,1;529,1;349,1;268,1;364,1;269,1;304,1;267,1;264,1;271,1;274,1;275,1;310,1;1542,1
BuffSetDagger = 825,1;1182,3;1189,3;1191,3;1548,3;1352,1;1353,1;1354,1;1392,1;1393,1;1499,1;1500,1;1501,1;1502,1;1504,1;1519,1;1389,3;829,1;1461,1;1035,4;1259,4;1043,1;4699,13;1363,1;1323,1;266,1;264,1;267,1;268,1;269,1;304,1;529,1;364,1;349,1;274,1;275,1;271,1;1542,1;310,1
BuffSetArcher = 1182,3;1189,3;1191,3;1392,3;1393,3;1354,1;1352,1;1353,1;1259,4;1499,1;1500,1;1501,1;1502,1;1504,1;1519,1;1461,1;1035,4;829,1;827,1;4699,13;1388,3;1062,2;1363,1;1323,1;264,1;267,1;268,1;269,1;304,1;529,1;349,1;364,1;271,1;272,1;274,1;275,1;1542,1
BuffSetSupport = 1182,3;1191,3;1189,3;1352,1;1352,1;1353,1;1392,3;1393,3;1397,3;1303,2;1078,6;1504,1;1503,1;1499,1;1500,1;1501,1;1062,2;1461,1;1389,3;830,1;1035,4;1259,4;1085,3;4703,13;1363,1;1323,1;311,1;270,1;529,1;264,1;267,1;268,1;304,1;349,1;273,1;276,1;530,1;1542,1
BuffSetTank = 825,1;4699,13;1189,3;1182,3;1191,3;1548,3;1392,3;1393,3;1352,1;1353,1;1354,1;1035,4;1259,4;1499,1;1500,1;1501,1;1502,1;1503,1;1504,1;1519,1;1461,1;1389,3;828,1;1363,1;1323,1;264,1;267,1;268,1;269,1;304,1;349,1;364,1;529,1;271,1;274,1;275,1;1542,1;310,1

# Mage Scheme : Clarity 3 = 1397, Resist Aqua 3 = 1182, Resist Wind 3 = 1189, Resist Fire 3 = 1191,Resist Holy 3 = 1392, Resist Dark 3 = 1393, Elemental Protection 1 = 1352, Divine Protection 1 = 1353, Arcane Protection 1 = 1354, Resist Shock 4 = 1259,Mental Shield 4 = 1035, Concentration 6 = 1078,Chant of Protection 1 = 1461, Wild Magic 2 = 1303,Embroider 1, Greater Shield 3 = 1389, Berserker Spirit 2 = 1062, Gift of Seraphim 13 = 4703,Acumen 3 = 1085, Improved Condition 1 = 1501, Improved Magic 1 = 1500, Improved Combat 1 = 1499,Improved Movement 1 = 1504, Magnus' Chant 1,Noblesse Blessing 1 = 1323 Song of Meditation 1,Song of Storm Guard 1, Dance of Alignment 1 = 530,Song of Elemental 1 = 529, Song of Renewal 1 = 349, Song of Wind 1 = 268, Song of Warding 1 = 267,Song of Vitality 1 = 304, Song of Earth 1 = 264, Dance of Siren 1, Dance of the Mystic 1 = 273, Dance of Concentration 1 = 276.
# Fighter Scheme: Resist Aqua 3 = 1182, Resist Wind 3 = 1189, Resist Fire 3 = 1191, Resist Holy 3 = 1392, Elemental Protection 1 = 1352, Divine Protection 1 = 1353, Arcane Protection 1 = 1354, Resist Shock 4 = 1259,Mental Shield 4 = 1035, Chant of Protection 1 = 1461, Sharp Edge 1 = 825, Hard Tanning 1 = 829, Berserker Spirit 2 = 1062, Greater Might 3 = 1388, Blessing of Queen 13 = 4699, Improved Combat 1 = 1499, Improved Magic 1 = 1500, Improved Condition 1 = 1501, Improved Critical Attack 1 = 1502, Improved Shield Defense 1 = 1503, Improved Movement 1 = 1504, Chant of Blood Awakening 1 = 1519, Noblesse Blessing 1 = 1323 Chant of Victory 1 = 1363, Song of Elemental 1 = 529, Song of Renewal 1 = 349, Song of Wind 1 = 268,Song of Champion 1 = 364, Song of Hunter 1 = 269, Song of Vitality 1 = 304, Song of Warding 1 = 267, Song of Earth 1 = 264, Dance of the Warrior 1 = 271, Dance of Fire 1 = 274, Dance of Fury 1 = 275, Dance of the Vampire 1 = 310.
# Dagger Scheme : Resist Aqua 3 = 1182, Resist Wind 3 = 1189,Resist Fire 3 = 1191, Resist Earth 3 = 1548, Elemental Protection 1 = 1352, Divine Protection 1 = 1353, Arcane Protection 1 = 1354, Resist Holy 3 = 1392,  Resist Dark 3 = 1393, Improved Combat 1 = 1499,Improved Magic 1 = 1500, Improved Condition 1 = 1501,Improved Critical Attack 1 = 1502, Improved Movement 1 = 1504, Chant of Blood Awakening 1 = 1519, Greater Shield 3 = 1389, Hard Tanning 1 = 829, Chant of Protection 1 = 1461, Mental Shield 4 = 1035, Resist Shock 4 = 1259, Holy Weapon 1 = 1043, Gift of Queen 13 = 4700, Chant of Victory 1 = 1363, Noblesse Blessing 1 = 1323, Song of Water 1 = 266, Song of Earth 1 = 264, Song of Warding 1 = 267, Song of Wind 1 = 268, Song of Hunter 1 = 269, Song of Vitality 1 = 304, Song of Elemental 1 = 529, Song of Champion 1 = 364, Song of Renewal 1 = 349, Dance of Fire 1 = 274,Dance of Fury 1 = 275, Dance of the Warrior 1 = 271.
# Archer Scheme : Resist Aqua 3 = 1182, Resist Wind 3 = 1189,Resist Fire 3 = 1191, Resist Holy 3 = 1392, Resist Dark 3 = 1393, Arcane Protection 1 = 1354,Elemental Protection 1 = 1352, Divine Protection 1 = 1353, Resist Shock 4 = 1259, Improved Combat 1 = 1499,Improved Magic 1 = 1500, Improved Condition 1 = 1501, Improved Critical Attack 1 = 1502, Improved Movement 1 = 1504, Chant of Blood Awakening 1 = 1519, Chant of Protection 1 = 1461,Mental Shield 4 = 1035, Hard Tanning 1 = 829, Restring 1 = 827, Blessing of Queen 13 = 4699, Greater Might 3 = 1388, Berserker Spirit 2 = 1062,Chant of Victory 1 = 1363, Noblesse Blessing 1 = 1323,Song of Earth 1 = 264, Song of Warding 1 = 267, Song of Wind 1 = 268, Song of Hunter 1 = 269, Song of Vitality 1 = 304, Song of Elemental 1 = 529, Song of Renewal 1 = 349, Song of Champion 1 = 364, Dance of the Warrior 1 = 271, Dance of Inspiration 1 = 272, Dance of Fire 1 = 274, Dance of Fury 1 = 275.
# Support Scheme: Resist Aqua 3 = 1182, Resist Fire 3 = 1191,Resist Wind 3 = 1189, Elemental Protection 1 = 1352, Divine Protection 1 = 1353, Resist Holy 3 = 1392,  Resist Dark 3 = 1393, Clarity 3 = 1397, Wild Magic 2 = 1303, Concentration 6 = 1078, Improved Movement 1 = 1504, Improved Shield Defense 1 = 1503, Improved Combat 1 = 1499, Improved Magic 1 = 1500, Improved Condition 1 = 1501,Berserker Spirit 2 = 1062, Chant of Protection 1 = 1461, Greater Shield 3 = 1389, Ebroider 1 = 830, Mental Shield 4 = 1035, Resist Shock 4 = 1259, Acumen 3 = 1085, Gift of Seraphim 13 = 4703,Chant of Victory 1 = 1363, Noblesse Blessing 1 = 1323.Dance of Protection 1 = 311, Song of Invocation 1 = 270, Song of Elemental 1 = 529, Song of Earth 1 = 264, Song of Warding 1 = 267, Song of Wind 1 = 268, Song of Vitality 1 = 304, Song of Renewal 1 = 349, Dance of the Mystic 1 = 273, Dance of Concentration 1 = 276, Dance of Alignment 1 = 530.
# Tank Scheme  :  Resist Wind 3 = 1189, Resist Aqua 3 = 1182, Resist Fire 3 = 1191, Resist Earth 3 = 1548, Resist Holy 3 = 1392, Resist Dark 3 = 1393, Elemental Protection 1 = 1352, Divine Protection 1 = 1353, Arcane Protection 1 = 1354,Mental Shield 4 = 1035, Resist Shock 4 = 1259, Improved Combat 1 = 1499, Improved Magic 1 = 1500, Improved Condition 1 = 1501,Improved Critical Attack 1 = 1502, Improved Shield Defense 1 = 1503, Improved Movement 1 = 1504,Chant of Blood Awakening 1 = 1519, Chant of Protection 1 = 1461, Greater Shield 3 = 1389,Case Harden 1 = 828, Chant of Victory 1 = 1363, Noblesse Blessing 1 = 1323,Song of Earth 1 = 264, Song of Warding 1 = 267, Song of Wind 1 = 268, Song of Hunter 1 = 269, Song of Vitality 1 = 304,Song of Renewal 1 = 349, Song of Champion 1 = 364, Song of Elemental 1 = 529, Dance of the Warrior 1 = 271, Dance of Fire 1 = 274, Dance of Fury 1 = 275.



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