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interlude [L2J]L2Avengers


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Dear Lineagers, we would like to present new Lineage 2 Project!

Opening: 2018/04/14 18:00 GMT+3!

Website: http://www.l2avengers.net

Server Rates

# Exp x9999
# Sp x9999
# Adena x1

Enchant Rates

# Safe Weapon/Armor = 4
# Enchant level = 1
# Max With Bless = 30
# Max with crystal = 35
# Normal Enchant Scroll = 75%
# Bless Enchant Scroll = 95%
# Crystal Enchant Scroll = 70%

Castle Sieges

# Giran
# Aden
# Rune
# Goddard

Augment Rates

# Mid Life Stone = 20%
# High Life Stone = 25%
# Top Life Stone = 30%

Server Features

# Geodata Working 100%
# Auto Learn Skills
# Duration Buff 3 hours
# Castle Siege every week
# Class Balance
# Skill Balance
# DDoS Protection
# Ani-Farm System
# Chaotic Zones
# Custom Farm Zones
# Custom PvP Zones
# Mass PvP Zone
# Flag PvP Zone
# Free Sub-class
# Sub-class without quest
# Max Sub-class 4
# Sub-class start 76 LvL
# Giran Starting Zone
# Start with full S-A Items
# Stuckable Scolls
# Stuckable Life Stones
# Stuckalble Bogs
# Anti-Buff Shield
# Main Town Giran
# Pvp Reward 1 pvp coin
# Auto loot mobs
# No Auto Loot on Raids
# Wedding System
# Ranking System
# All Bosses are 80 LvL
# Custom Clan System
# Class Quest is Free
# PvP&PK Color System
# Augmentetion System
# Auto Vote System
# Auto Vote Reward
# 99% Uptime
# No weight limit
# Pvp Killing Spree


# Team vs Team
# Capture the Flag
# Death Match

Custom Items

# Armors:Dynasty,Epic
# Weapons:Monster,Master
# Wings:Epic Wings,Shock Wings,Kamael Wings and more..
# Skins
# And more..

Server NPCs

# Custom Shop
# Unique Shop
# GM Shop
# Buffer
# Augmenter
# Gatekeeper
# Symbol maker
# Vote Manager
# Raid info
# Server info
# PvP/PK Manager
# Subclass master
# Wedding Manager
# And more...

Server Commands

# .status
# .siege
# .online
# .dressme
# .undressme
# .engage
# .repair
# /unstuck
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