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bug gia adena ston official ???

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Paidia Paidia ego eimai rosos kai otan epeza sto official prin 3 xronia exoume vri me tin parea mou merika bugs P.X.

Gia Grigoro XP:

otan eisai 1 Lvl den pas aneveneis lvl ama skotoseis toulaxiston 1 mob bug dne tha ginei...

eisai 1 lvl pas perneis adena apo kapoio xaraktira p.x. 200k gia na pareis mia d grade stoli tin perneis foras 00ps exeis penalty pas sto nero kai pnigese 00ps eisai 0 life kai proxoras varas lipon opos eipa einai gia Grigoro EXP efosan den niofete pigente sto megalitero Bos poi eiparxei aa nai ksexasa otoi prepei na se kaneis enans sps ena buff gia reflect twra den fimame pos legete TeCPa pas varas to boss apo to reflect pou kaneis tha pesei kai tha pas 59 lvl ;) se server x1 :P ama eisia kolofardos mporei na s petaksie kai drop :)

Lipon gia adena: (Den kserw an pianei akoma...)

kaneis enan Dark elf pas perneis ena quest apo to gloserry to kaneis mexri tin mesei pou tha sou pei otoi prepei na mazepseis kati petroules autes petres tis petane kapia manitaria sto dark forest lipon mazedeis kamia 1000 pas telioneis to quest 00ps pires 70k adena... ala??? 70k adena ti einai? 00ps to ksexasa efosan to quest pire mono 5 tetia petrakia tote mporeite na to ksana kanete aaa... ala einai megali viavikasia kai vargiomaste... lipon pernete to quest kai meta milate sto NPC pou teliosate to quest 00ps kai alla 70k WTF??? kanete kamia 100 fores kai exete 7kk adena :O ala ama mazepsete 1000 tote poios sas pianei :)

AUta kserw ta ala dne fimame...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Paidia Paidia ego eimai rosos kai otan epeza sto official prin 3 xronia exoume vri me tin parea mou merika bugs P.X.

Gia Grigoro XP:

otan eisai 1 Lvl den pas aneveneis lvl ama skotoseis toulaxiston 1 mob bug dne tha ginei...

eisai 1 lvl pas perneis adena apo kapoio xaraktira p.x. 200k gia na pareis mia d grade stoli tin perneis foras 00ps exeis penalty pas sto nero kai pnigese 00ps eisai 0 life kai proxoras varas lipon opos eipa einai gia Grigoro EXP efosan den niofete pigente sto megalitero Bos poi eiparxei aa nai ksexasa otoi prepei na se kaneis enans sps ena buff gia reflect twra den fimame pos legete TeCPa pas varas to boss apo to reflect pou kaneis tha pesei kai tha pas 59 lvl ;) se server x1 :P ama eisia kolofardos mporei na s petaksie kai drop :)

Lipon gia adena: (Den kserw an pianei akoma...)

kaneis enan Dark elf pas perneis ena quest apo to gloserry to kaneis mexri tin mesei pou tha sou pei otoi prepei na mazepseis kati petroules autes petres tis petane kapia manitaria sto dark forest lipon mazedeis kamia 1000 pas telioneis to quest 00ps pires 70k adena... ala??? 70k adena ti einai? 00ps to ksexasa efosan to quest pire mono 5 tetia petrakia tote mporeite na to ksana kanete aaa... ala einai megali viavikasia kai vargiomaste... lipon pernete to quest kai meta milate sto NPC pou teliosate to quest 00ps kai alla 70k WTF??? kanete kamia 100 fores kai exete 7kk adena :O ala ama mazepsete 1000 tote poios sas pianei :)

AUta kserw ta ala dne fimame...

Po re file m 8imises tis epoxes tou c3 tora , to kalitero client pou ftiaxtike pote apo lineage.An k dulevan ola ta bugs/exploits/hacks makari na doulevan akomi
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Paidia Paidia ego eimai rosos kai otan epeza sto official prin 3 xronia exoume vri me tin parea mou merika bugs P.X.

Gia Grigoro XP:

otan eisai 1 Lvl den pas aneveneis lvl ama skotoseis toulaxiston 1 mob bug dne tha ginei...

eisai 1 lvl pas perneis adena apo kapoio xaraktira p.x. 200k gia na pareis mia d grade stoli tin perneis foras 00ps exeis penalty pas sto nero kai pnigese 00ps eisai 0 life kai proxoras varas lipon opos eipa einai gia Grigoro EXP efosan den niofete pigente sto megalitero Bos poi eiparxei aa nai ksexasa otoi prepei na se kaneis enans sps ena buff gia reflect twra den fimame pos legete TeCPa pas varas to boss apo to reflect pou kaneis tha pesei kai tha pas 59 lvl ;) se server x1 :P ama eisia kolofardos mporei na s petaksie kai drop :)

Lipon gia adena: (Den kserw an pianei akoma...)

kaneis enan Dark elf pas perneis ena quest apo to gloserry to kaneis mexri tin mesei pou tha sou pei otoi prepei na mazepseis kati petroules autes petres tis petane kapia manitaria sto dark forest lipon mazedeis kamia 1000 pas telioneis to quest 00ps pires 70k adena... ala??? 70k adena ti einai? 00ps to ksexasa efosan to quest pire mono 5 tetia petrakia tote mporeite na to ksana kanete aaa... ala einai megali viavikasia kai vargiomaste... lipon pernete to quest kai meta milate sto NPC pou teliosate to quest 00ps kai alla 70k WTF??? kanete kamia 100 fores kai exete 7kk adena :O ala ama mazepsete 1000 tote poios sas pianei :)

AUta kserw ta ala dne fimame...


xaxaxa kalo... eleos ama htan na epianan etsi tetia bugs ston official den 8a htan anixtos... ti akouw 8emou..

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Bug στον offi δεν υπάρχει.... Αλλά όντως πριν μισό χρόνο περίπου παρουσιάστηκαν κάποιες υπερβολικές αυξήσεις στις τιμές όλων των items. Αυτό δεν οφείλεται σε κάποιο bug, αλλά στο γεγονός ότι οι farmers κατέβασαν τις τιμές των adena στα e-bay sites οδηγώντας σε αυτό το αποτέλεσμα...

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    • imbadon.com If u deleted me from the content, it is your problem. This 200 euro is not money at all. But you... just scammer. People should know about you. I can share the whole conversation if you want, but it will not change that you are a scammer. 
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    • While not particularly active over the years, I've been around for as long as I could remember, so here are my 2 cents too. On top of what has already been said, I'd like to touch on a few thing that might be improved upon. While it is easy to notice and say "there's lack of engagement" or "community has outgrown the ganre", I've seen numerous forums get forgotten and die while others continue to thrive to this day. The main issue, in my humble opinion, is that the sector has been commercialised to an unsustainable extent. When nobody is willing to share anything, even if it is just a rework of an open-sourced or already-shared resource, the sense of "community" gets deminished. Now back on the pressing matter. From what I've seen, the lack of engagement could be circumvented with a redesign and functionality expansion that would/could/should include: - a built-in chat functionality. - incentives for engagement/interaction, ideas of which I'll list as separate pointers, as not to limit your creativity. But just as an example, from a more user/human perspective, having an easily identifiable way to get into "the club of the cool kids on the block", figuratively speaking, is an incentive on its own. - separation of the reputation into reactions and reputation. One to be used to posts, such as up-vote and what not, while the other to be awarded as means of appreciation. - automated ranks with actual benefits/perks, not like the current ones providing nothing. - the ability to hide text for user/group of users, not just premium/no premium. - increased visibility of the HOT topics and the RECENTLY ACTIVE threads/posts. Can be also expanded to most liked posts, etc. ps.: I'll update my post when I have some free time on my hands.
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