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interlude strider exploit for fast lvl on him or anyone


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well, i tested this, with da, on toi 10, with angels. 3-4-5 banish seraphine and a lethal came. and angles had half hp.


fog train is much better. i made an rb's xp from a train, in fog, on dnet.

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With turn undead u can up very fast too. Somes servers ct2.2 turn undead are in area, then you can go to dimensional rift and use (all mobs there are undead and give you 2-3x more xp then IT, FOG, etc).

Use turn undead, and after kill with one area skill ore one by one. (You can up your pet there too)

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  • 1 month later...

I tryed on Interlude server and dont work. It is not true that Turn indead is not considered as damage. This skill have few effects - fear, lethal and small damage (in pagan 50-80 dmg to mob, but damage). So once u make Turn undead, u got for example following messages":


You use turn undead

You hit for 78 damage.

Your fear has failed.

Lethal Strike!


So u do damage and the exp is shared as it should be between the chars  hitted the mob. I tryed with bishop 75+ and gladi 62+.


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