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10 hours ago, Designatix said:

You have it on your server or you want to add it?

If you already have it, it's on your folder gameserver/data/html/welcome.htm

i want to add one to my server


Go to your EnterWorld.java and find where are the seven signs announcements (search for // Announcements, welcome & Seven signs period messages )

and below the seven signs announcement add:

			final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);

then on your Config.java add the configs

public static boolean SERVER_NEWS;

SERVER_NEWS = server.getProperty("ShowServerNews", false);

and then go to your datapack go to data/html and create a file called servernews.htm and paste your code inside:

(for example this)

		<font color="LEVEL">Welcome,</font>
		This server uses aCis <font color="LEVEL">(http://i-live.eu/acis/)</font>, a fork of L2J software, a legal Lineage II server emulator.<br>
		In case you will find any kind of bugs, please report them in the forum.<br><br>
		This notice can be modified in data/html folder, this is the file named <font color="LEVEL">servernews.htm</font>.<br><br>
		Enjoy your stay in your world.


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