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Scythe Cracked- Database Parser


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I claim no responsibility or credits for this tool.
I found it somewhere and i decided to share with you!
Have Fun! wink.pnglol.png  troll.png

Removing duplicate lines
Splitting usernames and passwords into a separate text file
Merging text files together
Splitting text files into parts by line count
Randomizing the order of the lines of a text file
Removing lines off an email combolist which do not end in .com, .net and .org domain extension and their password length is larger than 4 and less than 20
Converting username:password combolist into an email:password one (configurable domains)
Converting email:password combolist into an username:password one
Filtering and keeping only the lines with said keywords (configurable keywords)
Filtering and keeping lines by said minimum / maximum username (email) length and minimum / maximum password length
Exporting each domain extension to a separate text file (example: email ending in .com will be exported to com.txt)
Combine usernames text file and passwords text file together
Combine usernames text file and passwords text file together (by index)
Find the original password of line

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