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Vorpal Leather set +6 full attribute (Gift cloak)

Vesper Thrower/Crossbow +8 300att Focus + Foundation

Vesper Noble Robe Found set +6 Full att

Vesper Nooble Heavy Found set +8 full att

Vorpal Robe set +6(3 parts + 8 ) Full att

Vesper Noble Heavy Found Set +6/7 full att

Belt +8 skill attack

Hero Cloak

Periel Duals +6 300att

Necklace of Valakas

B freya +6

Zaken +6

Tezza +4

Vorpal jwls +4

Vesper Caster Acumen +4

Vesper Caster +5 Acumen 300att

Vesper Caster +5 Acumen 300att

Icarus Spirit +7 Acumen 300wind

Dynasty Mace found + acumen

Icarus Hammer +Health + found

Hero Cloak

Belt pvp deffence

S-grade Shirt +6

Vorpal jwls - sold

Vesper jwls - sold

Necklace of frintezza - sold

Earring of Zaken - sold





Items in yellow are sold!

I dont play anymore and i dont farm these are all items left!



17kkk+ in stock

1b = 0,9e

285 Donation Punds - sold



Moonlight Sentinel - 3 subs + Noobless + Oly ring and Enchanted skills(Bow +1str augument/pvp might active augument) - sold

Trickster - 3 subs + noobless + oly ring and enchanted skills(Bow pvp might augument/pvp might active augument)

Cardinal - 3 subs + noobless + oly earring and enchanted skills(armor pvp/dyna mace pvp + active auguments for oly nukes+buffs)-you can buy it packed with items

Dominator - 3 subs + noobless + oly jwls + enchanted skills(PVP armor and prepared for pvp/oly)-you can buy it packed with items

BD - 3 subs + noobless + enchanted skills(PVP armor and prepared for pvp/oly) - you can buy it packed with items

Duelist - 3 subs + noobless + full enchanted skills + auguments(duelist now have on him periels+VNHF set +8 full att and vorpal jwls +tezza) - you can buy it in packed


They have Fame and they have good auguments on them if you buy them with Gear!



Accept only paypal!

Topic will be edited daily so you can check for new things!

add in skype : manutdadena

Edited by ManUtdAdena

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