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Camera Problem



Hi all !
i have a problem i was trying to make a custom quest  i want a npc teleport to a raidboss ,when char is there i want to spawn 4 bosses 1 by one with cinematic ,so i copied and adapt sailren .py but i have a problem that i cant understand.i am getting error at line 48 "getObjectId"  the python code is below.i use l2jfrozen.

import sys
from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai import CtrlIntention
from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.managers import GrandBossManager
from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.position import L2CharPosition
from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SocialAction
from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SpecialCamera
from com.l2jfrozen.util.random import Rnd
from java.lang import System

STATUE = 50000
SAILREN = 35646
VELO = 35647
PTERO = 90000
TREX = 35648

STONE = 6673

class Grandmaster (JQuest) :

 def __init__(self,id,name,descr):
   self.vlc = []
   self.ptr = []
   self.trx = []
   self.slrn = []

 def onAdvEvent (self,event,npc,player):
   if event == "start" :
     self.vlc = self.addSpawn(VELO,96452,159940,-3275,45000,False,0)
     self.startQuestTimer("camera",2000, self.vlc, player)
   if event == "round2" :
     self.ptr = self.addSpawn(PTERO,96409,160011,-3261,45000,False,0)
     self.startQuestTimer("camera",2000, self.ptr, player)
   if event == "round3" :
     self.trx = self.addSpawn(TREX,96500,159998,-3275,45000,False,0)
     self.startQuestTimer("camera",2000, self.trx, player)
   if event == "grandmaster" :
     self.slrn = self.addSpawn(SAILREN,96403,160011,-3299,45000,False,0)
     self.startQuestTimer("camera",2000, self.slrn, player)
     self.startQuestTimer("vkrovatku",1200000, self.slrn, None)
   elif event == "camera" :
   elif event == "open" :
   elif event == "vkrovatku" :
 def onTalk (self,npc,player):
   st = player.getQuestState("grandmaster")  
   npcId = npc.getNpcId()
   close = self.loadGlobalQuestVar("close")
   time = self.loadGlobalQuestVar("time")
   party = player.getParty()
   if npcId == STATUE :
     if st.getQuestItemsCount(STONE) >= 1 :
       if close == "" :
         if party:
           for player in party.getPartyMembers() :
             self.saveGlobalQuestVar("close", "1")
             zone = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getZone(97235,160539,-3312)
             if zone:
               zone.allowPlayerEntry(player, 3600)
         else :
           return "<html><body><font color=LEVEL>Only with party...</font></body></html>"
       else :
         return "<html><body><font color=LEVEL>Some one else is inside...</font></body></html>"
     else :
       return "<html><body>You need quest item: <font color=LEVEL>Gazkh...</font></body></html>"

 def onKill(self,npc,player,isPet):
   if npc == self.vlc :
   if npc == self.ptr :
   if npc == self.trx :
   if npc == self.slrn :

QUEST = Grandmaster(-1,"grandmaster","ai")
CREATED = State('Start',QUEST)



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I just fastchecked, but most probably your npc is null at a line. Be sure all events "camera" refer to a real, existing object.


As you cancel the timer "start" inside "start", most probably references are lost time the next event is fired. All in one, as an event, it's idiot to cancel yourself (cancel got a meaning when regular behavior must be aborted, otherwise nope). And "grandmaster" cancels "round4" which isn't existing.


Following variables got no uses, you can simply check via npcId (since you already store the npcId and don't use the variables to despawn NPCs).

  self.vlc = []
   self.ptr = []
   self.trx = []
   self.slrn = []

"vkrovatku" timer use is probably wrong, until you want your boss to be killed before a specific time (and even if it's the case, there is no cancel of that timer anywhere except by itself - see my second paragraph -, so it will be fired anyway).

Edited by Tryskell
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I just fastchecked, but most probably your npc is null at a line. Be sure all events "camera" refer to a real, existing object.


As you cancel the timer "start" inside "start", most probably references are lost time the next event is fired. All in one, as an event, it's idiot to cancel yourself (cancel got a meaning when regular behavior must be aborted, otherwise nope). And "grandmaster" cancels "round4" which isn't existing.


Following variables got no uses, you can simply check via npcId (since you already store the npcId and don't use the variables to despawn NPCs).

  self.vlc = []
   self.ptr = []
   self.trx = []
   self.slrn = []

"vkrovatku" timer use is probably wrong, until you want your boss to be killed before a specific time (and even if it's the case, there is no cancel of that timer anywhere except by itself - see my second paragraph -, so it will be fired anyway).

problem solved thank for your help mate, someone close topic

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    • Thank you for your reply. I have removed it from the L2Server.exe file, but the L2Server still crashes. It doesn't crash if I don't start l2npc, otherwise it will crash within a few days at the latest.
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    • You indeed have to save player position over Enterworld to properly clean it up later (if you don't, even trying to delete packet content would eventually keep it up), that's what we do with debug packet (which is a reusable Map of ExServerPrimitive packets) on aCis.   It doesn't solve the FPS stuttering - more you draw/delete lines, more your client becomes laggy. It's like if client wasn't deleting drawn points/lines properly, but instead simply hide them and redrawn content above.   If you got a solution, I would happy to integrate it.   You should check aCis#Player _debug packet integration, it allows very big amount of lines/points to be drawn, it is also reusable.   https://gitlab.com/Tryskell/acis_public/-/blob/master/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Player.java?ref_type=heads https://gitlab.com/Tryskell/acis_public/-/blob/master/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java?ref_type=heads  
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