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well the first augment i had ever in my life was a prominence and because i didn't see any glow on the weapon [because then i was thinking that the use of augment is the glow on weapon] i de-augment the weapon lol


wm lvl 10 [passive/active]

empower lvl 10 [active]


hydro blast

agility [passive]

shiled [passive/active]

might [passive]

solaf flare

shadow flare

vampiric claw



iron body


big head


P.S. all these augment i got them on 3 servers that the augment was very easy and on the 3rd server [which was gracias pt.1] the augment rates was 90% maybe somewhere there because 2/3 augments would be succesfull so i easily got thiese skills :P


My BEST augemnt ever was

"Active: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate temporarily."On Dancer/Songer Dragon-Network (lvl 76 top grade lifestone)

"Active: Regenerates MP" on BISHOP/PP (Dragon-Network) (Top Grade Lifestone lvl 76


My worse was:

"Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times."


I had the best 2 aug combo he could get :

Pasive p.atk on bow

Active Duel might buff


i get it on some lithuanian java server a week ago ( you can have more then one active augument buff on that server )



Well i play on a server which is a little bit diff to have augment so i have only 1 in my weapon and i was lucky..i think its bugged but it works! i have + Dodge 1.9237414 i dont know if it is only 1 or 1kk :P

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