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Looking For A Guide (L2J High Five)



Hello, I'm new making servers and I was wondering if someone had a guide for creating l2j servers, because the one I found in the forum has the links broken... I've been reading about the process for making one in different pages, but the serverpack and datapack from l2jserver on bitbucket lacks the build.xtml to run as ant with the eclipse. How should I install it?


I tell you I tried making freya server, but I keep getting protocol errors when trying to log in. Also, I tried with gracia epilogue, but I can't make the l2.exe work. I change it from l2.bin to l2.exe and edit the l2.ini with my ip, but I don't get it to open the client. Not even with systems from another servers.


So, then, there is not a guide on the internet with the appropriate server and data packs.


Can someone make one please?, for L2J High Five.


Thank you for your time.

4 answers to this question

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1) Eclipse -> Window -> Show View -> Other (http://prnt.sc/c24qfk)
2) Choose Git -> Git Repositories (http://prnt.sc/c24qxu)
3) At the Git Repositories view click on "Clone a Git Repository" (http://prnt.sc/c24qps)
4) At the URI field put "https://bitbucket.or.../l2j_server.git" and click Next > (http://prnt.sc/c24r8z)
5) Click "Deselect All", check "master" only and click Next > (http://prnt.sc/c24rgm)
6) Select a folder for your project and click Finish (http://prnt.sc/c24rnf)
7) When you clone the repository, click on the second icon from left to right (the type hint says "Clone a Git Repository and add the clone to this view") (http://prnt.sc/c24rtz)
8 ) Repeat steps 4 ("https://bitbucket.or...2j_datapack.git"), 5 and 6 (http://prnt.sc/c24s1j)
9) After it's finished, right click somewhere in the Package Explorer view and choose "Import..." (http://prnt.sc/c24s6j)
10) Choose Gradle -> Gradle Project (http://prnt.sc/c24sc3)
11) In the Project root directory choose the datapack project folder (http://prnt.sc/c24sv9)
12) Wait for eclipse to finish importing the l2j_server and l2j_datapack projects (http://prnt.sc/c24t1a)
13) At the bottom, a Gradle Tasks view will appear... l2j_datapack -> build -> right click on build -> Run Gradle Tasks (http://prnt.sc/c24t7v)

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Posted (edited)

Hi, I got errors while using eclipse, but I could use gradle by itself. I could set up a server and log in as administrator. My problem now is the following:


I can't buy anything from anywhere. I can't even store items in the warehouse.


What can I do to solve it?

Edited by Shadin
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No problem...Consider marking my post as an answer to this topic, so if other users have the same problem, can find the solution easy ;)

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