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Vps / Vds Or Ds? How To Choose Right?

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Hello everyone! I am searching information about hosts for l2j server. How to choose right host? How much resources i need to handle ~2000 online? For pvp server (<500online) i always  used VPS hosting services with 8-12gb ram, but sometime it liked to lag or something. So what should i choose? Can also give some links to hosting service providers? Thanks!

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If you lagged it is most probably your MMOCore values who sucked (I tested on aCis, 5000 packets with default L2J values are sent after 13sec, after little tweak it decreases to 3sec), or your JVM which was setted on trash values (when your JVM becomes fat, and to avoid GC STW effect, you have to edit the default GC for G1GC or even better CMS otherwise on every GC call your server will micro-freeze).


4g is enough to handle 1k players, easily.

Edited by Tryskell
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