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Old But New And The Short Story..


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Hello guys, I'm not new here but I never introduced myself on this forum.

First of all I joined here for Lineage2, I wanted to create a server since 2014.

I didn't have any clue about programming back there, so I decided to use a recompiled pack of L2J.

After some years I made a lot of changes on that project, I learned how the emulator works and made the pack like I wanted.

But now it's not enough and the pack had some bugs too, so I came back here to learn more and get some answers.


First I downloaded the source (master branch) from L2J HF [stable version and develop is the beta version]

I toke a look on the pack a bit and then I saw that build.xml wasn't exist and I was trying to compile with gradle but I wasn't lucky.

So the next day I downloaded this pack and I could compile fine.

Now I have more problems to solve..

When I run the GameServer with GeoData and PathFinding the console run out of memory, I need to find how to change the limit of the console for at least 4GB ram.

Then I saw that npc tables doesn't exist on this version, someone said that they are on java now, but I still can't find it.

The big problem is that I need to transfer all the npc/html/multisell/stats/armorsets/weapons all my work from the previous project to the new, I get so many errors on the eclipse console and I'm trying to solve them alone because I didn't find any guide for this new version of High Five server, I can't see my armors/weapons/npc I can't see anything and I have to start over again and make everything from zero.


Thanks for your time by reading this short story of me :poker face:  



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Actually compiling with Gradle is easy, when you download the master repo, you got a bat file doing the process for you, it will download latest Gradle and do the job, don't use pre-compiled packs or sources posted by others when you can use the official one, this way you avoid backdoors, easter eggs and other lovely things.

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