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Epeidi diavasa sto forum oti ta share pou exoun gini mexri tora gia auto annouce den litourgousan se ola ta pack(p.x L2JFREE) dino ena pou litourgi se ola:)


Mesa sto gameserver/data/jscript/custom/cron valte to parakato .py script

#name:Auto Announce.
#extra:you need to edit the text to match the announces you want.
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver import Announcements
Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("your announce here")
Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("your seccond announce here")
Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("your third announce here")
Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("your forth announce here")
Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("your fith announce here")


kai kante execute to parakato .sql script stin database sas

INSERT INTO global_tasks ( id , task , type , last_activation , param1 , param2 , param3 ) VALUES ('', 'jython', 'TYPE_FIXED_SHEDULED', '0', 'your delay after startup in miliseconds','your delay between each announce here in miliseconds', 'your name of the file here.py');


Elpizo na voi8isa:)


Kalo akougete na litourgi se ola ta packs !! & Nice Share!


Alla oso anafora to ena iparxi post gia, l2jfree AutoAnnounce kita edo

http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=37141.msg253075#msg253075  >:(


Auto ine mono gia l2jfree!!


Tha check auto p ekanes share k tha s po..


Btw....Thx for share.. ;)

  • 7 months later...

Ty....To xriazomoun ayto poly...nC share m8...


Keep up....

Ποιο χρειαζόσουν? Έλεος...Βλέπε ημερομηνίες πριν κάνεις ένα πόστ. Διάβασε τους κανόνες μας. Πρώτο warning.



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