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high five [L2J] L][ Illusion


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I come to all convene the pre-inauguration on April 28, 2017 of L][ IllusiOn and the official premiere on May 5, 2017. The project can be accompanied by ( facebook.com/ldoisillusion ). We are building a team to better serve you.







* Server Version High Five *

Start level: 1 + 1kk Adena + Fast Book with (GK+RANK+INFOSERVER)
•Auto learn skills
•Subclass without quest & exp
Max subclass level
: 85
Max. Sub-Class: 5
•Become noblesse with Gold Bars
•No Grade Penalty.
•8 Different PVP nick colors
•Custom Npcs
•Working Offline Trading.
XP/SP: 100x
DROP: 100x
•There are re-designed and fully functional Community Board ( ALT + B ), which will provide all information about the server.



Safe Enchant: +4
Maximum Enchant
: +25
Enchant Chance: +0 for +4 - 100% / for +5 - 95% / for +6 - 90%... (Before +5 broken item)
Blessed Enchant Chance: +0 for +4 - 100% / for +5 - 95% / for +6 - 90%... (Become for +0 not broken item)
Ancient Scroll Enchant Chance: 100% (Farm, Craft and Donate)
•Element Stones & Crystals by one-click




•Npc Scheme Buffer
Buffs duration
: 2 hours
Buff Slots
: 24
Songs & dances slots: 15




Olympiad Maximum Gear: A Grade (Sell In Npc)
•Olympiad Battles time - from 18:00 to 00:00(GMT+3).
: 1 week
Maximum enchant in olympiad: 25
Starting Points: 20




•Auto pick up but not raid boss
•Custom mobs stats & drops

•Special farm zones with extra drops and cusom Mini Bosses & Grand Bosses
Raid Boss respawn time
: 4 hours.


PvP System


•Balanced Classes
•Event system - Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, Domination, Survival, Death Match.
•If you like nonstop pvp battles this i a right place for you. There is primeval area as a main pvp zone
•Recieve PvP Coins per Kill
•Buy expensive items with PvP Coins
•Upgrade Dragons Weapons with PvP Coins


Castle sieges


Siege day: Sunday
Siege hours
: 16:00, 20:00 GMT+3
Siege Period: 1 weeks
Territory War Period: 1 weeks


Custom Sets (better effect with animation on game)


• IllusiOn Set (FARM & DONATE)

• Antharas Weapons (FARM & DONATE)

• Valakas Weapons (FARM & DONATE)

• Lindvior Weapons (FARM & DONATE)

• Dual Dragon Slayer

• Cutter Dragon Slayer

• Buster Dragon Slayer

• Dusk Shield (FARM & DONATE)



Custom NPC



• Lindvior Boss - (In version Mob, not Quest or Original location)

• Delever
• Buffer Npc
• GM Shop
• Donate Shop
• Pvp Shop
• Event Shop
• Change Collor Manager
• Achiviments
• Donate Manager
• Pvp Manager (ITEMS FARM)
• Premium

• And More





Edited by dragaozin
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"better effect with animation on game" What do you mean?


Some animations on several servers were buggy or the badly made, why?

I'm finishing the site probably the pre-inauguration will be modified to another previous date




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