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L2Rise Wts Gear Or Full Accounts

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Want to sell 3 Char or Full gear for chars. Ofc every char has 3 subb and nobless.


Dominator: vorpal robe set +6 almost full atri , pvp def belt , shirt cp+6 , rising star +7 300 dark with pvp (dark attack aug)  SOLD!! , b zaken  SOLD!!,  b freya , elegia ring , vorpal ring , almost +30 skills , +7 vesper sigil foundation , hero cloak , vesper robe set +6 almost full atri , 200 donation pound SOLD!!  (If somebody can overpay for the dominator then elegia robe is an option too.)


Cardinal: +6 elegia robe (pvp) with max attribute, b freya and elegia jewels, 1 vorpal earring, +6 vorpal robe set (pvp) not full attribute but almost, +20-25 skills, 2 vesper weap with attack aug, fund miracle with passiv heal augment, hero cloak, pvp belt, hp shirt.


Cardinal: elegia robe +6 max attribute (pvp), +30 skills,450 donation pound, 10bill adena, blessed zaken, blessd freya, elegia jewel, +10 sigil,pvpdef belt, hero cloak, 40k fame, fund miracle passiv heal empo + active healempo,+8 hp shirt     CHAR SOLD!!!

Bonus: Antharas earring (Sell only if somebody give us a real offer.) SOLD!!


Pm here or danas99.fd@gmail.com for more information.

Edited by savaycagbage
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