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interlude [Interlude OFF] L][neage Cydonia


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Cydonia (New Server)


L2 OFF Interlude





Rates: Exp: 30x Adena: 30x Spoil: 5x Drops: 5x Auto Learn Skills.


- Balanced class

- Server hosted in United States

- Multilenguals admins

- Areas (100%)

- Skills (100%)

- 24 Buff slots.

- Heros & Nobless (100%)

- Fishing (100%)

- Safe enchant +3

- Succes enchant rate Retail.

- Catacombs/Necropolis (100%)

- Seven Signs (100%)

- 3°rd Job (100%)

- Raid Boss (100%)

- Dyes (100%)

- Mana Potions in shops

- GM Shop: Grades D/C/B for adena - A for adena and ancient adena - S for adena,ancient adena and materials.

- GM Shop Potions/Enchants

- GM Shop Quest Itens/Transf. 1º/2º/3°job

- Global Gatekeeper (towns + special places)

- Peace Respawn Zones.

- 1 hours buffs-songs-dances-chants. 20 mins Prophecys-magnus-cov.

- GM Shop Quest Items/Transf. 1º/2º/3°job.

- 2box allowed


web :  www.cydonial2.com

forum : http://cydonial2.com

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NO donation?

But the Web Site Have donations and the prices.And Could u tell me what is the comunity?And how old is server ?



This is a new server....have only a few weeks....the comunity isnt very high...but the ppl are coming...


Donations: Yeah, but donations  are for normal items, not custom items, or Weapons-armor with enchants. they arent unbalanced donations...no inflict in the pvp.


This is the best server....the pvps are very balanced...in pvp u can see Daggers/Mages/Archers/Tanks/Destroyers/Tyrants/Bishops/etc


This are the donations:

Star of Destiny  U$ 10,00

Hellfire Oil (x1) U$ 10,00

Lunargent (x5) U$ 10,00

Scroll Blessed Enchant B grade Armor U$ 3,00 Weapon U$ 5,00

Scroll Blessed Enchant A grade Armor U$ 5,00 Weapon U$ 10,00

Scroll Blessed Enchant S grade Armor U$ 10,00 Weapon U$ 20,00

Wolf U$ 10,00 Level U$ 1,00 (per level)

Hatchling U$ 15,00 Level U$ 1,00 (per level)

Strider U$ 30,00 Level U$ 1,00 (per level)

Change Nickname U$ 10,00

Change Char of Acc U$ 15,00

Change Clan Leader U$ 10,00

Change Clan Name U$ 15,00

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Npc buffer have all ?Dance songs etc?


Prophet, Shillien Elder, elven elder, sword singer, 2nd job


NO SIREN, NO RENEWAL, NO COV, NO POW, NO POWATER, NO POF, you have to make your own buffers.

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This is the best server!!!

The pvps are very balanced...all clases are good...

Seven sings is very important in this server ...very cool...

I go with my clan to this server jijijiji.....Come to this server....Cydonia need ppl...because no have much players on...GO TO CYDONIA WITH UR CLAN

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Ta bueno en un rato entro y vemos que onda (lo unico que me jode) son los rates x30 .. podrian ser x40 o x50 y fuaa le pediria a un mod que lo pusiera de sticky ;P ademas la otra cosa es los items Grado s (principalmente las armas) se craftean no? o en el gm shop se compran por cosas (osea es custom?)


Bue en fin , muy buen server ahi entro =)

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En el gm shop vos compras los items C/B/A/S ...pero estos presentan dificultades...osea no es dificil...pero tampoco super facil....con qe spoilies 2-4horas y farmies 3 horitas con un mago en catacumbas estas full S...tal ves sin SA en el arma ...pero con ekipamento bueno....


Otra cosa si vas a entrar wispeame a ReaGz....y ademas ANOTATE URGENTEMENTE EN EL SEVEN SIGNS EN DUSK QE MANIANA TERMINA LA COMPETICION. Anotate en dusk qe va ganando...sino te registras no vas a poder tener lo S

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first of all, sorry (i'm going a bit off.topic) but if merdoso want a server like l2extreme..just join vendetta (aa for s gr,lvl67 S gr)..try it



This server seems nice, no donations and no custom items is rly cool..gl

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