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L2Flash x6 Gracia Epilogue Server!


Hello Everyone ,

L2Flash created with care and effort from former players and not by some potential investors or people interested in profit.

Our basic rule is that users to be fully informed about the server happenings without the slightest doubt about anything.

In short:

There is a Donate Choice but is voluntary and only exists to support the Server, nothing that will affect the normal development of game play in the server. (Only hats and Services)

We will not use any kind of Scripts that Auto Like our Facebook page.

Daily backups remotely to completely avoid any loss of data.

Class master up to Second class.

Auto-Pick up feature enabled.

Combat Stats & Droplist available via Shift & Click.

TvT Event - Death match | Last Man Standing | Capture the flag.

PvP Arena LeaderBoards Manager Every 240 Min(s) - Every 240 min(s) announce most PvP/PK kills.
Fisherman LeaderBoards Manager Every 240 Min(s) - Every 240 min(s) announce whoever catches the more fishes.

Exp : x6
SP : x6
Spoil : x6
Drop Rate : x6
Adena : x6
Raid Jewels Drop : x1
Manor : x1
Vitality Herb: x2

For more information, please register to our Forum and start creating the community of L2 Flash!

L2Flash Website: http://L2Flash.eu/
L2Flash  Features: http://L2Flash.eu/index.php/page/features/
L2Flash  Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/L2Flash-Low-Rate-Gracia-Epilogue-313358019005366/


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Hello everyone,


We enabled Account manager from the site , you can create an account in order to be ready for the Grand opening at 23/9/2016 - 18:00 UTC +3!


Soon we will announce and the Updater.

We also waiting approve from the Hopzone.





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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone, our server is Online for about one month!


We are stable with friendly community !

Don't forget that Gracia Epilogue is the Best chronicle for low rate and it's easy to catch the old players!

(You can login and with Gracia final - Freya - H5 client just to test our server :)  )





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  • 1 month later...

Monument of Heroes records fixed with yesterday's restart.

Server was Online & Stable for 11 days without restart!


Join now L2Flash , if you are "bored" wipes - corrupted and full of donations servers!


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