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[Guide]How to put dds files in a .utx [tested only on IL]


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Ok no more problems with that cause here you will learn how to make it 100%!



-:-Download Pack-:-




(It contains Unreal [program that open and edit utx] / a sample of utx that u must edit/ enccrypt program)









1. Extract the .rar file you have just downloaded on a place you want, for example on desktop.



2. Install Unreal program.



3. When you installed it go to C:\UnrealEngine2Runtime\System and find the file UnrealEd.



4. Right click on it and send to desktop to create a shortcut.



5. Now run the shortcut you have just created.



6. On the window "Textures" go to File===>Open===>and open the sample.utx.



7. Now go to File===>Import===>open your dds file you want to add.



8. When you open your dds file, there was an extra dds on the sample, right click on the "Texture aka_t00_wp666* [DXT 1] and delete it.



9. Now go to File===>Save and save it in the folder EncCrypt with any name you want.



10. When you save it, you are not done yet. You need to encrypt it to work with your client. So find the file "Enc" on the EncCrypt folder,right click===>edit.



11. It will open in notepad. So at the line where it says argsword.utx change it to yourUTXname.utx.



12. Then Save and close it.



13. After that double click "Enc" file to run.



14. It will open and close quickly a dos window.



15. A file will appear with name enc-yourUTXname.utx.



16. Cut it and paste in C:\Program Files\Lineage II\systextures



17. Rename it from enc-yourUTXname to yourUTXname.



18. Done! Your utx file is ready for use!!!  ;)

Hope i helped! ;)

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Told u yiannis93 ^^ when u do good work i ask a mod to stick it :P


U put in your title Tested on IL , do u think this change in hellbound?


nevermind ;P

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Told u yiannis93 ^^ when u do good work i ask a mod to stick it :P


U put in your title Tested on IL , do u think this change in hellbound?


nevermind ;P


Hehe thx. About hellbound... idk.

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