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[Help]I need some questions to be answered...



Hi :D

i want to learn some things that im trying and i cant xD



1st:I want to know how to install a database... (I have lightmagik preconfigured pack and i dont know how can i install the database)

2nd:I want to know how to add client mods in my server and in the lineage2 client.

3rd:I want to know how to make a server online!Full Guide No crappy other links on the forum!!! I SEARCHED AND NONE HELPED ME!!!

4rth:I want a reply that i will understand and not with Computerish words that will make my life miserable :D

5th:I would like to add music on the game Exapmle:I would like to change the login screen music and backround motion picture...(If it is possible)

6th:If you know to tell me that in greek it will be really apriciated... but if u dont no worries i understand english :D


hope you can help me :D

all help will be appriciated!

8 answers to this question

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1) On lightmagik's pack you don't need to install a database since it's installed automatically every time you press start.bat.(something like this). but all in all you needn't do anything, just run start/ls/gs.bat.

2) You have to en/de-crypt some files. ask someone else ;)

3) Press here, select lineage II, find your router and follow the guide.

4) I hope you understand me :P

5) Dunno -.-

6) -

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1) On lightmagik's pack you don't need to install a database since it's installed automatically every time you press start.bat.(something like this). but all in all you needn't do anything, just run start/ls/gs.bat.

2) You have to en/de-crypt some files. ask someone else ;)

3) Press here, select lineage II, find your router and follow the guide.

4) I hope you understand me :P

5) Dunno -.-

6) -

you helped quite a bit :D

i have file edit but i dont know how to encrypt them in what version they only pop up errors..

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open file edit select the file and then when u save it...save it at version 413 not 414...

i think for that u got an error...Dunno


@1Step Lightmagik's pack have already a database instaled so u open navicat new conexion

Name: localhost


Password :Here put your sql password...at mysql install at last steps are the settings for sql password so if u uncheck it like thisMySQL11.jpg

u put a field...

and open the conexion,the l2jdb appeared just the database of lightmagik's pack.!

@2step Client Modding

[ CoMpLeTe_GUIDE ] Learn to Create Custom Animated Weapons +Accessories ! ! !

[ExTrEmE Guide]EDIT TEXTURES!!! Customize E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!

New to client mods ?! New to photoshop too ?! Take a look here THEN!

[Guide] How to import dds files

@3step u should have static ip for this...so if u dont have go to NO-IP Official Site

and make an account.,then go to your e-mail and activate your account.p.s.do not put wrong e-mail because u cant activate it..then download the program put your no ip and i think your e-mail and press start...the program running and u have no-ip for this..then go to server.properties file and put the no-ip e.g. l2darkrage.no-ip.biz

Dont Forget U MUst have the ports opened...80 for diskw site 2106 for login server 7777 for game server

@4step for music...?i dont make this never so i dont now how to make it,but the forum have many guides for how to put Login Screen and add music to your server...

I Think U Helped...!tell me for another errors or question..just reply here

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To install db to lighmagik its very easy look go to pack click diskw-usr-localhost copy the folder l2jdb and then go to mycomputer then to your mysql folder for example program files mysql go there press data and paste it into data then to make it go to pack tools-press right click and edit,and find this path and put your mysql version press x and save it then to open the server you have ready the hexid go to gameserver-config-open server properties and find this:Login=root


if you have pass root delete it and stay it like i paste here then make the same to login-loginserver properties and del the root and now you have the server

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