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interlude [L2J] L2Elion


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Welcome, Everyone!
We are pleased to introduce you to our new custom pvp server L2Elion. Our server is still in development, but we are putting a lot of work in it everyday,so it should be open for you to play in the next couple of weeks! Our first and most important priority is making sure you guys have fun while playing here,so we are open to suggestions,reports.Also,everything you get for supporting the server(donating) is available to get with server currency! Come join us, bring your friends and let the war begin! www.L2elion.eu Facebook - L2Elion, Skype - L2Elion, Email - l2elion@l2elion.eu


Chronicle: Interlude
Type: Custom PvP Server
Rates: x9999
Global auto events
Balanced classes
DDoS protection, no lag
Instant 80 and third class (subclasses too)
42 buff slots
Special Features
# Custom commands (.online, .tradeoff, .pmoff)
# Custom Jewels
# PvP zone with spawn after death
# Special and unique NPC's
# Special farm zones (low and hard) 
# New and unique bosses
# Main town: Talking Island
# Hero Coin boss
# Vote reward system
# Unique armor
# Unique weapon and enchancements
# Unique tattoo's
# Duel system
# Augmentation and augment shop
# ALL Castle Sieges. Crowns got special stats
Safe: +5
Max Armor: +25
Max Weapon: +25
Normal Scroll: 85%
Blessed Scroll: 95%
High Grade Lifestone:
Top Grade Lifestone:
Active: unlimited + 1 passive <-from Lifestones
Augment skills got lower stats so it won't make the gameplay unbalanced.
Auto Events
Custom NPC's
Change Password
Custom Gatekeeper
Event Npc
Subclass Manager
PvP Rankings
Wedding Manager
Siege Manager
Skill Enchanter
Custom Buffer
Donation Manager
Custom Shops
Vote Reward Shop
Vote Manager
Symbol Maker
Raid Bosses
ELION Coin - Main farming coin.
Ancient Coin - Coin to become a noblesse.
Event Coin - Coin which you get as a reward from auto events.
Clan Coin - Coin that gives 2500 clan reputation for your clan (Do not use it if you do not have a clan or not a clan leader!)
Feather Coin - Farming Coin. Monsters in 'Feather Zone' drops it. Needed to buy custom wings.
Hero Coin - Coin that gives you hero until restart.
PVP Coin - Coin which you get after killing other player.
Enchant Scrolls - Scrolls that enchants your items.


Be advised that server information can change!
Edited by L2Elion
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