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Suggest How Would You Like To See Us!!!

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According to some newly created topics(public or in moderator's section) 

like:  -->Topic 1<--


i decided to make a topic where i ll ask you what would you like to see in MxC...just because there are complains lately about some issues :)


What i want from you is to write me your opinions in what you believe we should change from staff persons(behavior,suggestions,proposals etc),promotions, or suggest categories or whatever we should add/delete from forum or what problems you have regarding  our forums


Should you need to ask me anything feel free to pm me!!!

This is for statistical reasons only, so we can propose new things out of the best suggestions made in this topic


PS1:No Flames,but express yourselves normally...bad behaviors will be punished.Flamers will be warned twice.3rd moderator/gold/uploader warning will resolve for ban request!!! 

PS2:No spams(emoticons,asdasd,+1 etc) they ll be deleted without warning



1 of all i think this should be moved to hidden , this is something just mxc staff must discuss beacuse other wise this post will become A complain  post and not an objective look of what we in fact need (me and other people thought) So Nothing else



I say : Kick From the team  For inactivity










+ Where the hell are the uploaders? LoL Even Anni Has Dissapear :/ i just say keep kago and anni (even if he is off latly) the rest are just addons that dosnt log never



At last 1 question ¿any one knows what happend to themental? w00t


If u think i am wrong reply and tell me why i am an idiot ;P But this is what i think


The Mxc Staff Alredy know who i want to be promoted so there is nothing more to talk about






1. Change the fucked up rules. We ban members or -1 karma them because they say thnx ?

That's why we call it FORUM...  It is a community. How else to raise up their postS? come on ppl feel what is the meaning of the forum. 


Here to post spammers.



All posts which include "one-five" words are considered spams.


I cant say to a topiC?


"Thanks very much"  Why ?





2. About the locking topiCs {shares} that passed 4-5 months.. Why to lock them ? ;@

If we continue this sick thing all of our database will go to the junks.


3.About the moves i dont have to add something.. JUST DONT MOVE THREADS TO JUNK.


4.We must make a little refresh to our mXc team. Kick all of inactive and uselles... mods, golds.. mpla mpla...


5.Lets refresh the forum with making some new categories for new games eTc.... like san andreas and others...


6. Lets clear all the sections from the begin ~~> last page.


7. Lets delete all the move~~> re-directions.




K4rm4 you give me (-) wen i was 1 post.... and i told wtf? on general.... bcouz no1 told me what i do and were the right section....

and i learn it by my self...! See my post after second post if i do flaming ... spam and post it here!!  :'(


Eipame gmt oxi akura posts k flame.


Btw 8umisou kalutera.




Poses fores eixes kanei post se la8os section ? 8umasai h exases tn logariasmo ?


gtp mas les k 8es na mn s kanw k -1 ..


Btw ti eipes ? Dn leme... ??


Se ka8e section leme ta rules.. an esy mpeneis opou na nai k patas new topiC dn s ftaime emeis.


8a zitisw tn noble na ta svisei k ta 2 reply.


Oti allo 8es pm. h parapona sou se gl mod.. pata to koumpaki "report to moderator"


Take away the karma option. Add only an infraction option to see if people have been warned. Karma is useless, it's nothing. A Thanks is already enough for a good share.


First of all i can't see the post ok? second I WAS 1 POST!!! I WAS A NEWBIE!!!! Omg !!!


And pliz all staff of MxC be more patient with newbie ... :'(


I agree 1000% With K4rma's opinion...Also I think that the users that Anubis mentioned bust removed from team cause they are not active such as other users (Stefoulis15, and some others who are still simple members)


First of all i can't see the post ok? second I WAS 1 POST!!! I WAS A NEWBIE!!!! Omg !!!


And pliz all staff of MxC be more patient with newbie ... :'(

Newbies get pwned at the start because they dont -beep-ing read the darn rules!!

i say to force them read the rules ...let no Non Registered people see the forum only the rules section!


1. Change the -beep-ed up rules. We ban members or -1 karma them because they say thnx ?

That's why we call it FORUM...  It is a community. How else to raise up their postS? come on ppl feel what is the meaning of the forum.


I cant say to a topiC?


"Thanks very much"  Why ?


These things must be changed...We must mention the difference between spam and a thankful reply...It is totally different


im an old member with many EXP (i have been g. mod l2 .mod g. member etc..)..! so i have to write my opinion too i think so!


ok lets start


maxtor isnt here  because of army so we dont have to argue very much and piss off everyone!


about the mods im not on the team so i cant check who is abusing and who is doing great his job!

i just want to tell in that object for ONE more time the job of a mod musnt be a 'present' from maxtor because he is a very good guy he is trying to make happy everyone!

about gold members they dont have to be kicked if they log in 1 time per month..ppl who is not posting anything have to be kicked of course...

about uploaders dunno if someone stop the uploads just upgrade him to a new category 'Veteran Uploader' of something like that...

i have make topics and pm's so many times with my SUGGESTIONS but everyone dont give a sh1t!!


karma option

not only one menu of karma it must be Good Karma and Bad Karma example


+9 karma/-27 karma !so u dont lose the 'good' karma of a great post!i think hackz0r have to be first on the karma(last time i saw it i was g. mod so i dont know)he was have about +12 karma like this and -9 karma xD because he was talking about truths and lies!


about hidden posts now :

to go into the exploit section(and bots too or every other section u think its very usefull) u need 100 posts(example) and after from there its hidden with their own post count!

so u have to help with posting game revews and more to go into this section(with that way spam is avoided)

hidden posts bug is still out there(i know it with that way i saw the hiden posts..i think none else know it dunno if some smart ppl could do that..)


rules have to change...everyone can c/p thinks without giving credits(if he respect HIS  f*cking self he will post it..)

moderators have to be active or make much MORE moderators(where to find them?..dunno lol)


many moderators are here as posers..!


one more think about the spammers,add a custom image code not like J5F7K9 make the code IF YOU SPAM YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR SURE...!


i was suggest to maxtor a new team with name 'Ban Managers' to ban the spammers no karma rights or anything just ban and pm's to warn..!


there was and still be many thinks in my mind but i cant remember everything!


many people here dont know my 'work' in this forum and the most dont respect me i want to say that i dont give a sh1t!


i respect my self this is the way to respect everyone..!




Well banning all the spammer... is a good idea but the community will shorten a lot I say... So then only solution i can think at it to make people read and understand the "new rules" well the mods have to consider some new rules !


I repeat, we have to mention the difference between Spam Topics and Thankfull topics...Then we will be ready to choose which members must be banned and which not


I repeat, we have to mention the difference between Spam Topics and Thankfull topics...Then we will be ready to choose which members must be banned and which not

Ok...fine...but there are still some Life Time Donators that are inactive... i don't think you have the right to ban them due inactivity + they donated 10-20 $ for the forum ...so i say donator's that are inactive must not be banned... 

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