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Posted (edited)

BD 85 ,3 subs  noble, all skills +10-15. cloak of flame +5 ( ZAKEN/TEZZA/FREYA CLOAKS! 15k fame
SPS 85 , 3 subs noble . all skills +10-15 cloak of  greenery +5 (zaken cloak)
OL 85 ( suspension +22) noble  ( 1 sub) (still waiting for email )
EE 85  2/3 subs noble all skills +15
WC 85  (great fury )  no nobles
ELEMENTAL MASTER 85 nobles 1 sub
PHANTOM SUMONER 85 nobles 1 sub
SORC 3 subs noble all skills +10-15 (cloak of flame +5) 32k FAME!

SOLD>>>>>>SWS 85 , 1 sub, noble , all skills +10-15.(cancel dagger) (zaken, 19 tezza,15 Freya )
SOLD>>>>>>Judicator . noble all skills +12 . main arbalester 
SOLD>>>>>>Necro 84 , +10-15 skills. ,
SOLD>>>>>>SE 82. 
SOLD>>>>>>SOS 84 ( dark elf tank)
SOLD >>> >>SPOILER 81/82. x2  

VESPER ROBE SET (no noble ) 900
Moirai robe set  clean
40+ vorpal jewels

adena ~5-6kkk. ( or more, if no one is interested in items they will be sold for adena )

ALL items are put on market for adena. so if u are interested in them better hurry
pm here or Skype: ben2dagzzle

Edited by dragharra
  • 2 weeks later...

Careful with this guy. Bought his supposedly 5.6bil for 30 euros and when it was time to deliver the adena he said he couldnt log in and his internet was being stupid. It's been 24h since and still nothing.


I can provide mods with skype printscreens.


Will obviously delete this if he ever delivers the adena.

Posted (edited)

Same for me bought 7,4b for 36euro on Tuesday April 12  and when he got the money he delog,made some trades with him before and all was ok dunno why he act like that now...

Edited by ismoke
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