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"Aurelion Sol is mere weeks from his Rift debut, and he's bringing one hell of a big bang along for his grand entrance. He’s a medium range mage who deals devastating sustained area of effect damage with his orbiting stars. And when he’s got somewhere to be, the Star Forger can take to the skies, flying over terrain while nurturing his very own fledgling apocalypse. 










Three stars constantly orbit Aurelion Sol, dealing magic damage and applying spell effects to enemies they strike.
AurelionSol_Q.jpg Q: STARSURGE 
Aurelion Sol fires the core of a newborn star in a target direction that explodes—dealing damage and stunning all nearby enemies—upon reactivation or once it travels beyond his stars’ maximum orbital range. Aurelion Sol can travel alongside Starsurge, and by keeping it close he’ll nurture it, growing it in size so that it damages and stuns a wider area when it explodes.




Aurelion Sol pushes his stars out to his outer ring, significantly increasing their power. Celestial Expansion costs mana to cast and drains mana every second the ability is toggled on. Once he toggles the ability off or runs out of mana, Aurelion Sol pulls his stars back.



AurelionSol_E.jpg E: COMET OF LEGEND 

Passive: Aurelion Sol builds up increasing movement speed as he travels continuously in the same direction, and loses speed on sharp turns. Some of this speed is stored away as Escape Velocity stacks, which are lost entirely whenever he takes damage from an enemy. 
Active: Once Aurelion Sol maxes his Escape Velocity stacks, he can activate Comet of Legend to pull in his orbiting stars and take flight, traversing over terrain for a long distance. He cannot turn once his course is set, and enemy damage will bring Aurelion Sol back to earth, restoring his orbiting stars.


AurelionSol_R.jpg R: VOICE OF LIGHT 

Aurelion Sol shoots out a long wave of starfire in a target direction that damages and slows all struck enemies. Nearby enemies caught in the blast are also knocked back to Aurelion Sol’s outer ring.









Aurelion Sol, unlike most champions in League, deals the lion’s share of his damage with his passive. Center of the Universe sets up a constant game during laning, with Aurelion Sol looking to maneuver his stars into his lane opponent, who, in turn, has to keep on move to avoid them. Its sheer threat will often send his opponent back to safety, giving the Star Forger the perfect opportunity to unleash Celestial Expansion and ramp up his cyclical damage. And as these two play out their duel, Aurelion Sol will inevitably deal great swathes of collateral damage to the enemy minions, who’ll wither under the persistent barrage of starfire. All this area of effect punishment means that Aurelion Sol has a super easy time shoving his lane, even while he focuses on his duel.
Of course, all this passive pushing is likely to attract the enemy jungler’s attention, forcing Aurelion Sol onto the defensive. This is a clear weakness of the celestial dragon’s because, outside of a couple last-minute big red button abilities, the Star Forger has very few defenses inside his orbiting stars. One of his options comes in the form of Starsurge, which he can essentially double tap to stun his face-to-face enemy before making his way to safety. The other comes once he hits level 6.
So, instead of waiting for the enemy minions to bounce back, Aurelion Sol often works best bringing his might to bear elsewhere. Comet of Legend’s flight is powerful, but its range—especially at early ranks—is pretty limited. The Star Forger mitigates this by roaming toward his target, building up his escape velocity stacks as he approaches his take-off spot. Once he’s picked enough speed, he can take to the skies with Comet of Legend, gliding over the last walls as he prepares his assault. Starsurge is crucial here; by casting it before or as he flies, Aurelion Sol can actually keep pace with his flourishing star, expanding its size and threat as he draws closer to his hapless victim. Timing is vital, as is communication, but when Aurelion Sol successfully hurtles into another lane with a colossal world-destroying comet by his side, well... he’s definitely going to leave a mark. 
“Instead of waiting for the enemy minions to bounce back, Aurelion Sol often works best bringing his might to bear elsewhere.”


“The heavens diminish without my attention.”
- Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger

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