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Hey,ive been having a bit of trouble with the acis_events share,as it seems it has been written for a different rev...


I've been trying to find something like javolution in the public build(340) but ive had no luck...


import javolution.text.TextBuilder;

goes nowhere

Also,following Tryskell's guide to install,javolution was never in the public build i checkedout..

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Use javolution, create a private svn and follow acis patches/changelog. Acis is a minimalism-minded project. Dropping javolution isn't something that should be done for everyone, it was just a minimal ram total used memory improvement. If you don't about ram usage (meaning you have more than 8gb of it) I'd suggest re-adding javolution even only for your event engine and focus/spend more time on crucial points of interest suchs as bugs/features etc.



my two pennies..

If all else fails i will do so and just keep packages up-to-date...There are more bugs from me than just javolution however...import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntObjectHashMap; is one of them..and then minor methods being incorrect...

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