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geia se olous tha ithela na m peite ti gnwmh sas..

tha anoixw enan x8 server k thelw na m peite ti na ton kanw

Hellbound i Interlude gia na exei kosmo pio poly

opios thelei as pei tin gnwmh t  ;D


epidi o hellbound p 8a kaneiC sigoura dn 8a einai 100% me kamael skills kai t lipa kane inderlude kalitera :D




eine polli xamilo rate gia na eei kosmo kane enan x2000ke pano



ton kosmo p exo dei se x2000 einai to max 100 ;) ase p vriskoun poio fast t buggakia. eno se low rate trexoun oloi kai xoris poli kopo ;D apla na vouleuoun t vasika roloi. kai na min exei corrupt :)

  • 3 weeks later...

interlude poli kalitera me xamilo rate .O kosmos exei sixathei ta hellbound kai ta pvp server oloi theloun na kegonte sto xp kai se olous aresei to palio kalo interlude


I prefer Hellbound cause have bigger stat than interlude's one.You can receive Icarus/Dynasty weapons ++Kamael skill that increases 1k  m att/cast sp etc...

k st interlude boris n valis dynasty k ikarus arki n 3eris... protimo interlude gt t enchant t hellbound dn paleuete...
  • 2 weeks later...

hellbound. alla oxi x8 gnomh m einai x50-x100 toulaxiston exw dei oti se pio polous aresoun x50 tespa ekei konta. twra gia x8 dn 3erw an exeis L2 OFF h L2 J an exeis l2 off enas x50 8a metrhsei me dika s features ofc. an exeis java anevase ligo ta rates me pio pola customs.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hellbount kai malista Kamael+ gia na exei kai 85 lvl max kai ta kainourgia skills.


Ama mporeis na vreis Gracia part 2 vale auto. Para egine to kako me to C6 eleos. oloi oi server C6 eginan.


x8 dn prokite na mazepseis kosmo kata tin gnwmi m kane enan kalo pvp server na exeis to kefali s isixw file m idika o x8 server einai makakia alla an 8es toso polu egw protino c6 me epic armor kai dynasty aytos ta cpaei!!!! ama 8es etc alios kai pvp pali 8a sou protina c6 me epic kai dynasty...


Hellbound ftw, O logos p akoma paizw l2 einai oti to hellbound bgike etsi opos bgike, new armors hunting zones etc etc, opote min to psaxneis Hellbound!

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