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"ravagers" Recr. Internationals For L2Axel.com 19.07.2015 !

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Posted (edited)

Hello folks !


Im an experienced L2 player,i play on interlude for 10years and i started from about 3years~ to play Freya-H5 chronicle.The "Ravagers" clan was born in october 2014,on interlude(video - >



I'm not pretty sure how many of my interlude people will come for this server,but so i can keep my clan alive,i will also recruit new people from this server.Also,on l2rapidus/l2aeron i had pqTeSTpq/LutinSportif/bLockaH nick,but i played solo,only for fun since i had job/interlude server where i mass pvped.


Requirements for recruit : 


 - respect my decisions,and everything you dont like/every problem you have you speak with me and we handle it together.

 - play by the rule " there is no I in TEAM",you are not the best or the worse player in this clan so dont be too cocky/dissapointed about yourself,we all learn new things every day.

 - microphone+headset and the possibility to use Raidcall program for speaking(in this program we organize for pvp/sieges,this is our "forum",this is where we post news daily).

- NO FLAMING/RAGING/BULKING.I learned a lot from my mistakes in the past years,so i tell you i wont be upset if we loose 1st pvps against other clans,we are in a new formula,there is no chemistry and i can undestand that.

- i dont recruit your "friends"/"relatives" just because you ask me that.If i consider that they are good players,nice persons and they worth a valuable good for our clan,i will take them,but i hate this "pressure".

- i dont recruit PEOPLE JUST FOR ONE SERVER.I recruit loyal,dedicated,mature and experienced people,who can follow my clan on more servers under my lead.

- from server to server,we will play MAGES PARTY(spellhowler+1 necro MA),ARCHERS PARTY(ghost santinels+1 trickster MA) or MIXED MELEE PARTY(daggers+gladi+tyrants).At L2axel i decided to play mages pt,so i want you now on to learn specific classes to play with for mass pvp,for solo pvp i dont care what you play but since this server its all on free,i expect you to find this requirement easy.My base classes will be cardinal and when we go for archer party,trickster MA.

- all new members will be tested in the 1st days on server.If i dont consider you are good,you will be dismissed

18+ years old,this is a MUST ! Also,we dont recruit only 1 specific nationality or smth like that,everyone is welcomed here.


!! I repeat myself,i want to build a stable clan,with mature,experienced and loyal people,to play on high-rates servers,even some mids without spoil/craft in FUTURE.You dont have to think like : "oh,we failed on l2axel,we will fail always,fuck this clan,im leaving".It will take us 1-2-3 servers maybe till we will play extremly good.We need time and patience to do that,so if you see we will loose few fights dont overreact and emoquit from clan or swear me or other members.I play with organized clans for over 5years and i needed time to adjust by the clan leader's needs.Now i'm ready to lead an Freya/H5 clan and i will also learn you how to play more organized at a high level clanplay,but we will need time to create chemistry and to learn you so many new things.

Read very carefuly the recruitment rules and don't add me unless you accept this terms!

Contact - (skype) : pi2de.2010 

              - ingame : "pqTeSTpq

Edited by pqTeSTpq

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