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Stack Buffs



Hello guys i need to help me for something. how i can doo 2 buffs dont stack like Greater Might with Greater Shild cant take this 2 buffs how i can too for another 2 buffs. Thanks! (sry for bad english)

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I already told you 3 times XML.




As I see on l2j H5 dp, it's defined by abnormalType(?)

<set name="abnormalType" val="PA_PD_UP" />



<set name="abnormalType" val="POSSESSION_SPECIAL" />


<set name="abnormalType" val="POSSESSION" />

Make them the same type.

Edited by SweeTs
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Is that cheat or l2j management related?


If this second, then change the stack_type from the xml.


Moved to req dev help.

Edited by SweeTs
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That was a "support and requests" section, not cheats.


I already asked for section organization.. Since ppl post there instead of here.

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i ask this bcs i dont like Spirit of Shilien with Boost morale together.. bcs shilien templar is Best with this 2 buffs together soo i need if i use boost morale and later use sos cant stack them Please i have L2j clean soo if can help.. Thanks



like this print scrn --> http://prntscr.com/7l3b58

Edited by kris131
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