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Verry intresting topic :D

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Hi to you all :D

well im really curius...

i dont know much things for computers ...

but others in my class things they do and all say

ow ho i have 2,5GHZ and dual core and 1.0 ram!




And i ask them...

what do Dual core pc do and what does GHZ do?

and some say faster downloading others say helps ur pc open faster others say

that makes ur pc faster but no one can give a precise answer...


i m beging u...

can u tell me what dual core helps me on the computer? Dont tell it scientificly just say...

and can u tell me what ghz do???

can u tell me some other things like

what do CPU do?


Please im beging u tell me i want to learn!!!

school sux they teach us what powerpoint does!!!





what do Dual core pc do and what does GHZ do?

and some say faster downloading others

ahaha this 100% totaly retarded answer :P


anyway core 2 duo or dual core or p4 are cpu's made in from intel

to see how fast the cpu's are they have set their speed in Ghz

so if a cpu got hight ghz simply ur pc run faster faster copy paste from one hd to other its fast etc

cpus got a clock so if this clock move fast u got a fast cpu  cos 1 tick =every 1 nanosec


Just : ¬¬




SImple rule:

The amount of performance gained by the use of a multicore processor depends on the problem being solved and the algorithms used, as well as their implementation in software





The hertz is a measure of frequency, informally defined as the number of events occurring per second.

Frequency (Hz) Name Unit

10 9         Gigahertz  GHz


like anath3ma said : This is just for the speed of your pc , if u want fast download from internet u must get a better int provider =P


Dual Core


A CPU using two cores allowing it to deal with two threads at once. This allows for allot more processing to be done over a period of time. ...


A dual core computer has two processors on the same chip. The processor is the workhorse of the computer, so this makes for a faster, more power-efficient computer, particularly when doing multiple tasks at one time (multitasking).


Core Duo is Intel's name for its first dual-core chip. Core2Duo is Intel's somewhat confusing name for its newest dual-core chip.


The AMD chip company also makes a dual-core chip called the Athlon. Apple now uses Intel chips.




Central Processing Unit - The brain of the computer that processes instructions and manages the flow of information through a computer system.





Abbreviation for gigahertz. One GHz represents 1 billion cycles per second. The speed of microprocessors, called the clock speed, often is measured in gigahertz. For example, a microprocessor that runs at 200 GHz executes 200 billion cycles per second. So logically the size of your GHZ on your computer is the speed of your computer also known as "how fast will my computer run". Having a greater and bigger amount of GHZ allows your computer to run faster along with the files in it...


Did i helped you?


actually u all helped thanks :D

but i m wondering...

so dual core is better for multitasking but a litle bit too for doing ur job as fast as u can...

and ghz are for ur computer speed...

so if u add a dualcore in ur pc will ur GHZ grow as a number or it will be the same visually  but the results will be better?


btw thank u all for teaching me :D


Well your speed will be increased  and yes your GHZ changes along with your processor and your proccessing system about multitasking it cannot do anything more than good ^^.

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    • I ment interface.u file it self not the code. I can view the file and code inside, but I was unable to edit interface.u file to add the code u shared, could u please share the compiled interface.u file it self?
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