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Hello people :D


i see that WoW Sections don't have a lot of traffic. L2 Section is full of traffic because there are more sections so you have more options for that games

so i decide to suggest some changes ;)


1st) Of all you should make a new board witn name World Of Warcraft Hacks. Hacks have diffrence from exploits so is wrong to post hacks in exploits section

2nd) You Should make a new board with name World Of Warcraft Model Editing so we can posts modifications in models and NPC's

3rd) You Should make a new board with name World Of Warcraft Scams so we can share scamming methods

4th) You should remove the world Beta in developing section. Beta versions are for wrath of lich king wow and in burninge crusade are no more beta versions so i can tell is downgraded from developers


That's from me Cya ;)


1st . As the lineage section Hacking tools are posted in the exploit section so i dont agree with you.

2nd.Thats a good idea and i agree that it must be implement.

3rd. Pointless since we have exploits you can share your "scams" there even tho i dont think that scams have anything to do with WoW ...but letting a whole section about it its pathetic it wouldn't be active as much as the l2 section cuz we dont have so much WoW players here even with increasing the amount of sections and boards we wont increase the WoW players, as you well know they come, and they go. Mostly we have visitors that browse the forum only to lleech some information however some posts are hidden so they simply go or others just try to build their way trough and reach the postcount in their own way ( spam, or normal posts [ which is very rare ] ).


Mpod he isn't the only one in the WoW section you know ^^.


Sorry for my writing i am just in a hurry ^^.


Sorry for my writing i am just in a hurry ^^.


Off topic:

U can watch porn later ::)


On topic:

like hackz0r said all scams exploits hacks , etc must go in 1 single place (to do things more simple)


About the Model Editing  , yhea why not , i havent play much wow in my life but if l2 has one  wow should have 1 too



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