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interlude [L2Off] L2Blaster


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Dear members of Maxcheaters,
I would like to announce my incoming server, hope you'll like it and be a part of this new community.We need you, to build it !
We took into consideration the number of servers that are around. What most people want to play and we agreed that reaching a midway point is the best choice, we decided to make it 15x.

We're using the best OFFICIAL extender from the market, with our own scripts,largely developed in-house. Everything works like it should,retail-like.Because we chose the midway,we'll make some adjustments,to improve the gameplay and create a nicely and friendly atmosphere.
XP: 15x 
SP: 15x
ADENA: 10x
Adena reward of some quests will be reduced.
SEALSTONES: 5x - Need extra test
DROP: 10x
SPOIL: 10x
3x means : Max Material amount multiplied with 3 - randomly drop. 
PARTY EXP: retail
Modified Quests list can be found on our Website at Features or on our Forum.
Our Characters Limitation is 3: two characters. + Offline Shop Chr.
Retail Like Events 
Increased rates for vital quests:
Increased Halisha's Marks drop to 4-> Class 3 - Halisha's Marks Part (Imperial Tomb). 
Class 1 and class 2 Buyable/Makeable/Donable.
Decrease EXP + Gambler NPC.
You'll can duplicate/lose your adena @ Gambler NPC.
Various changes plans will be posted on the Forum.
Server time zone/Location: Western Europe (GMT+1 / Netherlands)
CPU: Intel i7-3770K 
Cores/threads: 8t 
Frequency/burst: 3,49 GHz+
RAM:16 GB 
Disks: 2 x 250GB SSD .
Server time zone/Location: Western Europe (GMT+1 / France) .
CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1620v2 
Cores/threads: 4/8t 
Frequency/burst: 3,7 GHz+/3,9 GHz+ 
RAM: 64 GB 
Disks: 2 x 2 TB SATA3 + 2 x 160GB SSD
OVH DDoS Protection - Professional: 500 Gbps 
Website is under DDoS Protection too,in case that our website is DDoSed and is down, we'll redirect you to another website, to have the possibility to Create Account and Download Client & Patch
The Grand Opening of Blaster 15x will be on 18th April at 20:00 GMT + 3 Summer Time.We're waiting you to be there, to conquer the whole Lineage 2 !
The Open Beta season will start on 11th April at the morning and it will end at 16th April.Be there to help us.We need you, you need us !
For what I'm looking right now ?
First, I'm looking to build a great and stable Lineage 2 Community.
Second, I'm looking for two folks to help me out with the server. They'll recive Event GM in game.
Contact: thoth@l2blaster.com

Website: www.l2blaster.com -> need to finish ACM + Donate pages.
Forum:   forum.l2blaster.com
With pleasure, Thoth.
Edited by l2blaster
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Thank you !
Yes, I'll make a poll about this Gambler, it was my idea but the communities voice is more important than my idea.
A poll has been made about Gambler NPC, go and vote !

Edited by l2blaster
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Can you be more specific about the modified quests? They're boosted by chance, amount or both? I mean the drop chance for some quests is already 100%, so I know we are going to get 4 Halisha marks per mob for example. But what about Giants Cave/Loa/Frozen Labyrinth? Is it increased chance or x2-x3 amount?

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The chance remain retail, only the drop amount will be boosted. Probably for Giants Cave's quests will be boosted amount & chance. We're going to make extra tests under Open Beta phase to see exactly what to change.

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L2Blaster, that's it, also for every update just keep informing all the community so we can know about updaes/changes

Edited by lolisre
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Dear members of Maxcheaters,

Gladly we announce that we added the Open Beta System @ "How to connect", "Downloads" sections.The Open Beta season will start on 11th April at the morning and it will end at 16th April.Be there to help us.We need you, you need us !

Account Manager installation will be delayed till tomorrow (11 April) because of some errors of OVH.

To make the life easier, we added Buffer, Class Changer, GM Shop in game.

Rates used on Open Beta :

XP: 150x 
SP: 150x
ADENA: 150x
Adena reward of some quests will be reduced.
SEALSTONES: 5x - Need extra test
DROP: 10x
SPOIL: 10x
3x means : Max Material amount multiplied with 3 - randomly drop. 
PARTY EXP: retail

 Good night everyone !

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The first phase is for skills, high-level quests and items. In 2 days the rates will be changed to live-rates. Still waiting the confirmation of OVH, when it comes the server will be online.

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    • the links are offiline, could you reupload them please, if you have other versions of h5 or c6 could you share them too, thanks!
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    • Since last massive leak as explained as 07/09 (notably all development branches), I don't accept anymore financial newcomers that easily. People will have to contribute 100 cookies worth of contributions (bug reports/fixes) as a first step to be accepted as Donator. Free user can join after sharing over 200 cookies out of contributions, compared to 100 cookies before. You can say thanks to RusAcis, and notably his worthless leader, UnleashedForce. The size of users will continue to shrink if more leaks occur, until true helpers only will be left. New prices are as following : Joining price: 200€ + 100 cookies, or 200 cookies This fee has to be paid if you are joining aCis project. Next month, and all other months, you will have to donate only basic monthly donation. Monthly price: 10€ / 10 cookies This fee has to be paid every month. I won't accept any new join fee before the 100 cookies contribution. Your money will be instantly sent back. Also, in the same shape of idea, actual supporters/donators have to be active to stay in sources. It doesn't have to be a particular amount, you just have to share from time to time *anything*. I don't accept anymore silent ppl. Only useful people will be kept.
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