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L2J Server



hello, i need full working server files, i try use google but nothing somethink wrong when i start server cant login or server dont start.
Dont worry i dont create server for public :D it just for my own use :)

Edited by adr.bot
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hello, i need full working server files, i try use google but nothing somethink wrong when i start server cant login or server dont start.

Dont worry i dont create server for public :D it just for my own use :)


Hello mate.

You can find many guides with your question about "how to open a server" and etc.

You must to learn to do compile to get the server files from a SVN. (The guide is in greek language, but follow only the pictures or use translate and little mind).

Here is a Interlude SVN. L2JFrozen project. (Is ok for your beggining).


I can give you a ready compiled project. But i recommend to learn how to do compile. Will be help you in the future.

Anyway.. You can download | aCis 330 rev source.

  • Create a new folder with name server or what you want.
  • Go at "aCis_datapack\build" You will see the Datapack.rar. Right click on rar file and do "extract files" <no extract Here>. (Extract file --> find the your new folder location and let to goes the files there).
  • Go at "aCis_gameserver\build" You will see the Gameserver.rar. Right click on rar file and do "extract files" <no extract Here>. (Extract file --> find the your new folder location and let to goes the files there).
  • Follow the bollow steps from "how to open a server".

Then, you will understand the point...

For any questions, you can send us here.

Good luck!

Edited by Baggoss
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Hello mate.

You can find many guides with your question about "how to open a server" and etc.

You must to learn to do compile to get the server files from a SVN. (The guide is in greek language, but follow only the pictures or use translate and little mind).

Here is a Interlude SVN. L2JFrozen project. (Is ok for your beggining).


I can give you a ready compiled project. But i recommend to learn how to do compile. Will be help you in the future.

Anyway.. You can download | aCis 330 rev source.

  • Create a new folder with name server or what you want.
  • Go at "aCis_datapack\build" You will see the Datapack.rar. Right click on rar file and do "extract files" <no extract Here>. (Extract file --> find the your new folder location and let to goes the files there).
  • Go at "aCis_gameserver\build" You will see the Gameserver.rar. Right click on rar file and do "extract files" <no extract Here>. (Extract file --> find the your new folder location and let to goes the files there).
  • Follow the bollow steps from "how to open a server".

Then, you will understand the point...

For any questions, you can send us here.

Good luck!

thank you, i will try it :)




EDIT: i have problem to create hexid file when i start RegisterGameServer.bat i have this http://prntscr.com/6ly709and nothing when i press key hexid dont create

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thank you, i will try it :)




EDIT: i have problem to create hexid file when i start RegisterGameServer.bat i have this http://prntscr.com/6ly709and nothing when i press key hexid dont create

You have change the database settings in configs?

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You have change the database settings in configs?

if you mean database_installer.bat? if this mean then yea i change it 

set lsuser=root
set lspass=
set lsdb=l2jdb
set lshost=localhost

set gsuser=root
set gspass=
set gsdb=l2jdb
set gshost=localhost
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On configs of your server.

Login & gameserver configs.



#                    Database informations

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password=

Login =
Password =


# ================================================================
#                        Database informations
# ================================================================

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password=

Login =
Password =

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis

Login =
Password =


The error say "unknown database "acis".

Edited by Baggoss
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On configs of your server.

Login & gameserver configs.



#                    Database informations

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password=

Login =
Password =


# ================================================================
#                        Database informations
# ================================================================

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password=

Login =
Password =

URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis

Login =

Password =


The error say "unknown database "acis".

thanks for help mate, now works fine, one more question how to add admin/gm to player? i try edit mysql accound and character to set aces level but i think dont work


EDIT: game server write  "Server tried to set unregistered access level 200 to nick. His access level have been reseted to user level.


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I think is 1.

I don't remember well..


(You must to be out of game when you do the change of access from navicat).

i try out of game but still nothink try off server ....

maybe need manual install admin panel?

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thanks for help, now works fine :)

here you can change the access.



# This option will set the default AccessLevel for MasterAccess.
# Characters set to this AccessLevel will have the right to execute every AdminCommand ingame.
# Default: 127 (Maximum value: 255)
MasterAccessLevel = 127


Have a nice night mate!

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No, it's 1,2,3,4,5 - 127 also works, but Admin privs is 1.





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <access level="1" name="Admin" nameColor="FF9900" titleColor="FF9900" childAccess="2;3;4;5" isGm="true" allowPeaceAttack="true" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="true" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="true" takeAggro="true" gainExp="true" />
    <access level="2" name="Head GM" nameColor="CC9900" titleColor="CC9900" childAccess="3;4;5" isGm="true" allowPeaceAttack="false" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="true" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="true" takeAggro="true" gainExp="true" />
    <access level="3" name="General GM" nameColor="CC6600" titleColor="CC6600" childAccess="4;5" isGm="true" allowPeaceAttack="false" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="false" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="false" takeAggro="false" gainExp="false" />
    <access level="4" name="Event GM" nameColor="0033CC" titleColor="0033CC" childAccess="5" isGm="true" allowPeaceAttack="false" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="false" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="false" takeAggro="false" gainExp="false" />
    <access level="5" name="Test GM" nameColor="0099CC" titleColor="0099CC" childAccess="" isGm="false" allowPeaceAttack="false" allowFixedRes="true" allowTransaction="false" allowAltg="true" giveDamage="false" takeAggro="false" gainExp="false" />
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