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Best setup for PvP Prophet


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if you going OLy :

Dc robe set and am acu ( for burn mp )

after drained mp switch on Ic set and drac bow + oe bo ( focus )

+4wit -4men


if just pvp and you dont have top gear

Tallum heavy + Focus waep best bo ( focus ) + bow

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Its simple To make at least even 1 pvp whit a prophet u have to full buff u whit your own buffs, use dc and buy any bow (draco - shining) (dinasty - icarus) and run like a son of a ...... u get my idea =P also before run use Dryad Root (this is use full if u have enchanted that skill)


And in the end but The most usefull against mages  "Mana Burn" Whit this u will kill any mage


i recommend u to not use Arcane Wisdom if u are Heirophant



thats all bb



whit archer's is same easy pvp whit mana burn but use if is not custom items use fighter items get fighter dyes, fugter wep,armor like Shining bow and drac armor or tallum h armor and blabla :P

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Okay, here we go...


Dex +4 Con -4

Wit +4 Men -4



B Grade: Blue wolf light.

A Grade: Dark Crystal robe

S Grade: Draconic leather armor



An acumen mace and a sword or bow


[*]PvP Tacticts.

Start with Mana burn then use block shield-windwalk then use Dryad Root if doesnt lands just kite with a bow and if his tank or archer with the sword


NOTE: If server is C5 or more, use Word of Fear.


Thats Exte post i just edited it.. :)

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Draconci bow+ draconic set or majestic light set,do fighter buffs and just thorw an acumen also do greater shield instead of might,use a +4 wit dye - men then ur pp will pwn.

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come on guys, i wanna hear more :)


dyes etc....


tell me your opinions

ahh okay, thanks :)


waiting for more opinions.. :)



thanks :) nice tips

are there any other opinions ?


wanna hear a lot of prophet - pvp styles :P

naa, i dont like modded high rate servers ...


i want the best set ups  for Olympiade and PvPs ...


sooo Dyes / weapons / armors :)


gimme more opinions

well i am playing on


x7 and x5 rates... and i am willing to stay there for a long time.. :P


soo gimme your thoughts :P



want one more opinion?i believe you spam.plz *lock* topic

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