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Curiosity About Vang Il Pack - Herbs Implementation

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I have downloaded that cracked Vang IL version, and I see that his herb system is obviously wrong but playable/usable anyway (herbs don't disappear, only 1 drops, seemingly incorrect drop rates).


Would anyone tell me how is the system now?


How did Vang implement herb drops on his latest 1.3 version? Are they loading from the npcdata like GF? From another specific script with herb drops? Totally hardcoded in his extender?



I wonder (in at least) why Vang didn't simply add the herb drops exactly as they are in GF (not sure if GF was leaked by then, but I bet he had access before the general population), simply removing the new herbs added in later updates and a few more tweaks obviously.

IL doesn't have the new herb drop param in the npcdata synthax, but that could be extended or if its too hard, a regex would be able to add the herbs to new drop tables inside the regular multi_list and not affect the regular drops at all.



Can anyone shed any light on this?


This is simply curiosity.

Edited by ericvini
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@above: What? He is "too busy" to even sell licenses, aka tired of it. Good luck getting him to answer random questions.



edit: I got his files now and I am prolly too dumb to understand his decision making on the herb system - that's what I am wondering about.


Doing it like GF seemed perfect.

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You can geuss by just looking at how it's configged.



Oldschool herb systems were created by dropping based on id of mobs i think.

with different groups tied to different mobs.



post config.

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Old version (, extender.ini: 

;Herb drop rate (from mobs with 2x or less hp multipler) (low mid high = 1 randomize , buff = another)
; hp and mp herbs
;Buff herbs and herb of recovery

No specific script for herbs.


Looking at this alone, it seems that the herb drops are simply generic. Only 1 herb drop at a time (IL had multiple drops at once, like GF) and they don't disappear (should disappear in 15 seconds).



!.3 IL version, herbdata.txt:

setting_begin	enabled=1	affect_summon=1	setting_end
npc_begin	id=1020049	low={{8600;10};{8603;10}}	mid={{8601;7.5};{8604;7.5}}	high={{8602;5};{8605;5}}	buff={{8606;5};{8607;5};{8608;5};{8609;5};{8610;5};{8611;5}}	npc_end

Same params for the 406 specific NPCs - the file has 406 lines exactly alike, changing the id only.


I don't have this extender, so I can't check how it works in practice (I think they disappear now after the 15 seconds), but it SEEMS to be pretty much the same as the old system - totally random herb drops, maybe only 1 herb drops at a time or maybe more do - not sure how this synthax works - but still not retail-like.


I don't have extender/server.inis for 1.3 either.



If I am correct and the herbs still drop the same way in 1.3 (same for every mob), I simply don't understand why not just copy the herbdata from GF npcdata instead of this generic version (I may be incorrect and the herbs are not generic, but hardcoded in the extender based on GF data? I doubt each mob id is hardcoded tho - sounds insane and not practical, even more for Dawid who likes to keep things easily changeable), and have the "perfect" herb drops (simply removing the new ones).


(used bold because my parenthesis got too big, so the that the main sentence wouldn't be lost)


Is there any reasoning that I don't understand for this system being as it is when it could be pretty much exactly like retail (if I'm not incorrect)?

Edited by ericvini
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