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interlude [L2J] L2 Hope


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Interlude x750 Mass PvP Server 


Auto create account system

The server launched on 15/12/2014 

Every saturday the XP rate becomes 10000x


Important Notes

- Our work is for free, we will never ask for donations or account informations. 

- Inactive accounts will be deleted after 3 months

- Automated backup system, every 24 hours

- Active Staff

- Economy currency: adena & ancient adena 


Some server features

* XP rate: 750x

* Adena rate: 750x

* Boss drop rate: 3x

* Party XP rate: 2x

* Enchant rate: 65% safe +3 max +18

* Karma drop rate: 50% after 10 pk's

* Augment mid grade rate: 35%

* Augment high grade rate: 50%

* Blessed Enchant Scroll Rate: 100%

* Crystal Enchant Scroll Rate: 100% (upgrade items from +18 to +20)

* Auto learn skills * Auto pick up

* Buffs Time: 1,5h

* 36 slots available with 6 debuffs

* Special Buffer in game * Special AIO System 

* NEWBIE: check your buff scroll from inventory

* Auto remote class master 

* 5 subclasses available for each char (without quest)

* Noblesse quest item (without requiring a subclass)

* Weekly sieges / Fortress /Clan Hall (npc crest system for castle towns)

* Weekly Heroes / Olympiad from 20:00 to 24:00 GMT+2 ! (hero weapons are the best)

* All raid bosses have 3h respawn time

* Full working skill and quests, on the global balance

* Improved cursed weapon system (DOMINATION MODE)

* Working Wedding / Augmentation / Champions / Fishing 

* Offline Trade working 100% (just create store and exit game)

* Pc Bang Points rewards for active players 

* Good and stable pvp system for a better gameplay (some rewards are available)

* Much much more.....


Some NPCs information

* Special Shop until A grade (Black Market)

* Special Trader for S grade sealed items (Ancient Hero)

* Npc Buffer * AIO Buffer Trader

* Auto remote class master 

* Hero Weapons Trader  

* Klump - Game of Cards (special q with usefull rewards)

* Undead Lord (he will offer you 3 powers but you will use only one at a time)

* Special Teleporter all over the server 

* All moobs from cata/necro have 100% drop chance for AA

* All raid bosses level 70+ have higher drops for adena & AA

* Much much more...


Auto Events

* Town War, Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Last Man Standing, PvP, Hide & Seek, Hitman, Find & Destroy


Features and basic principles

Our administrators, try to keep the server as fair and balanced as possible. With everything we are against any change in skills or classes in order to preserve as much of the original game, however, we added few methods needed for a PvP server. 


Vote Reward

You can vote for our server, and be rewarded! You can vote in HopZone & TopZone every 12 hours and get a Vote Coin, where you can exchange it for special items. Remember above all, your vote is always very important for the proper development of the population and popularity of the server.



Hope to see you soon in game. 

Invite a Clan


 Come with your mates (at least 5) and you will get instant lvl 8 and full skills for your clan

BONUS: the leader is rewarded with hero status for 3 days.



Edited by l2hope
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How you expect ppl to Join with this site/forum u have and no links for downloading patch?


patch links were updated. 


about site/forum...for now its just a free forum. in time, i`m sure that a proper website will be done.


important things are the gameplay, server features ....not the way that forum or website looks.






Edited by l2hope
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he server launched on 15/12/2014 and will be in beta test without wipe until 26.14.2014.




ome with your mates (at least 5) and you will get instant lvl 8 and full skills for your clan

BONUS: the leader is rewarded with hero status for 3 days.


That's only for beta right? 

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yes, because we need to test some things. that is just an annoucement.





check Klump ig for special prizes (gold coins, blessed scrolls, crystal scrolls,lifestones, hp pots, bsoe, etc)

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