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well i would like a guide or some info how to make :

a buffer npc , a npc with all buffs except cat buffs/cubics/resistances

gm shop , at this one i got the part with multi sell , i just need a bit of advice how to import the XML files (im using Lineage II - Multisell by tReXpert)

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use search and you will find solutions in all of your problems :P

well if i didn't use search i wouldn't be asking

maybe i have missed some things with the search ... most of the npc's ain't working anyways u can gimme the links

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well i would like a guide or some info how to make :

a buffer npc , a npc with all buffs except cat buffs/cubics/resistances

gm shop , at this one i got the part with multi sell , i just need a bit of advice how to import the XML files (im using Lineage II - Multisell by tReXpert)


just simply take an already buffer which work for your pack , and edit the htmls .. if u need more support pm me if i have free time and i will help you or reply here .. about the shop .. create the multisells via these multisell compilers and on the html of the shop you add this code


<button value="Mafia" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Multisell 1231321" width=100 height=23 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df">



and for example if u want a shop with 1 multisell named 1231.xml you will have this


<center><br><font color="FFFF00">Shop</font></center>
<table width=230>
<td align=center><button value="Mafia" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Multisell 1231" width=100 height=23 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df">


how to import buffer/gk/teleporter , here its a guide


[ENG]Listen ... in order to put a buff ... it should have 1 sql file ... you open it with navicat then you select your DB .... default l2jdb then you click right click and then click execute bath file ... find the .sql file from buffer .. and double click it .. it should load smth .. and it will tell you [Msg] Finished - 2 queries executed successfully the 2nd .sql file isnt neccessary .. it may have 5 sql files .. ( lol Tongue ) after then it should have a .htm file which you copy and you put it at gameserver/data/html/default/ there and after that it should have 1 file jscripts for interlude and scripts for kamael .. i will tell u and the 2 ways how to put kamael and IL too !!

1)Kamael , you take the script folder .. maybe 9999_NPCBuffer and you put it at gameserver/data/scripts/custom/ and you paste it there ( the 9999_NPCBuffer is for mine buffer ... for you it may be different .. 800_NPCBuffer who knows ? xD Tongue ) then you go at gameserver/data/ and you search for >> scripts.cfg << then you open it with notepad and you search at the last for #Custom and you put after the last line the custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py , see below how it may be !

# Custom

2)Interlude it should have the same 9999_NPCBuffer ( the 9999_NPCBuffer is for mine buffer ... for you it may be different .. 800_NPCBuffer who knows ? xD Tongue ) you take it and you put it at gameserver/data/jscript/custom there you paste it and then you open the __init__.py that is based at the folder named custom .. and you put '9999_NPCBuffer' as the last line of this file .. check below how it should be

__all__ = [
print ""
print "importing custom data ..."
from data.jscript.custom import *
print "... done"
print ""

Now for the GM Shop , it should have 2.sql files .. you make the same as buffer .. you execute them at your DB .. then it should have many .htm files ... these goes at gameserver/data/html/merchant there you paste them .... WATCH OUT ...it may have some other files .xml which goes at gameserver/data/multisell ! there you paste it

Global GK , it should have 2 .sql files .... and you do the same as before .. ( you know xD ) execute at your db .. then it should have .htm files you copy them and you paste them at gameserver/data/html/teleporter there you paste it

I Hope i helped !  Good Luck !!



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